How hard could it be? ;-)
The useless, ugly and pointless OS (will-have-been-)made by a kid who thinks she's cool
The state right now:
- loads (almost-bare-metal) ELF binaries (compiled as PIEs and linked with my ld script)
- supports syscalls, but right now they can't take arguments (that is a TODO, along with a userspace library :D)
- preemptive multitasking (with a simple round robin scheduler) (yay!)
- can be easily ported to (at least) all Cortex MCUs, right now it works on M0 and a port to M4 is on the way
- written from scratch, including the hardware abstraction layer (CMSIS is slow and ugly!) and the needed parts of libc (why not? :D)
The truth: it can blink LEDs and needs only 1805 SLOC to do that! :P
Note: the Cortex-M4 tree is out of date and won't compile, I'll fix that when I can.
Unless you are interested in what I think I know and what I think I should do, do not read any further. Also, if you think what I think I know is wrong, please please please let me know.
Right now I have a STM32F051R8 MCU (on a Discovery board). That might or might not change in the future.
No Cortex-M MCUs have an MMU. The M4 is the only one with an MPU (so yes, my current HW or anything I could easily upgrade to won't have virtual memory, and my current HW won't have any form of memory protection (which makes all the user-mode stuff somewhat useless, but hey, it's just for learning purposes.)) Using a CPU instead of an MCU sounds scary to me, so I am planning to live with that.
figure out:
- how to run two things without an MMU ✔
- where to run my programs from and how to do it (flash/RAM/external data storage?) ✔
crosscompiler for bare metal target (
) ✔ -
blink LEDs ✔
find out how to setup remote debugging with gdb ✔
blink LEDs with complete understanding and control of what happened ✔
- write a correct ld script ✔
- avoid the library (note: is that NIH or is it actually a good idea for a change?) ✔
communication with SD card ...
make a separate binary (ELF), get it in there, parse it and run it ✔
non-preemptive multitasking that actually works (i.e. deals correctly with the stack, etc.)
run PIEs ✔
crosscompiler for chaOS target (
) - see -
syscalls! ✔ (sort of)
context switching, preemptive multitasking ✔!!!
make it do something cool
syscalls with arguments => process management syscalls
compile with -Wstrict-aliasing=2 and see what it says
add restrict all over the place (specifically: memcpy)
const-correctness (but not const-overcorrectness)
inc/ subdir is stupid -- move those things somewhere smarter
centralized errno.h
move isr.h somewhere smart
etc does not belong to nvic.h -
maybe: use forward declarations for scary structs
real hardfault handler
cslibc: memcpy, memcmp etc need to copy words instead of bytes where they can
nvic: make interrupt the first parameter everywhere
nvic docs don't mention whether smaller numbers are high priority or not