A boring LaTeX template for your résumé and cover letter
See the example folder for PDFs generated with this class.
To use this LaTeX template, you need:
- A recent LaTeX distribution to load the required packages, such as TeXLive 2023 or MiKTeX
- A LaTeX editor to edit and generate PDFs documents
- In alternative, a text editor of your choice and make will do the trick
- TeXtidote for spellchecking (optional)
Customize the files "resume.tex" and "letter.tex", then generate the the output PDFs with your LaTeX editor.
If you are using make
, you can run the following commands:
# business.cls + resume.tex -> resume.pdf
make resume
# business.cls + letter.tex -> letter.pdf
make letter
# resume.tex -> spellcheck-resume.html
# letter.tex -> spellcheck-letter.html
make spellcheck
For detailed résumé options, see USAGE-RESUME.md.
For detailed cover letter options, see USAGE-LETTER.md.