Scrapping information of Colombian newspapers.
Repository that captures information from Colombian newspapers (list of newspapers), then generates a csv with all the information.
Pip and Python installed and configured as environment variables. Then, install pipenv.
Create a folder and inside it execute the next commands:
To isolate the environment:
python -m venv .venv
To activate the enviroment in Windows:
Installing the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the code:
python scrap/
Will be generated a csv or json or xml all_news.(csv|json|xml) with all the information captured at the moment of the execution of the line above.
At the moment, the list of scrapped sites is [20]:
- elheraldo
- zonacero
- elpilon
- eluniversal
- diariodelcesar
- hoydiariodelmagdalena
- diariodelnorte
- laopinion
- eltiempo
- elcolombiano
- elespectador
- lapatria
- elpais
- elmundo
- elnuevodia
- elmanduco
- semana
- publimetro
- pulzo
- larepublica