This is a Tic Tac Toe game developed as a learning project. It allows two players to compete in a Tic Tac Toe match in the browser. The project is structured using ES6 modules for better organization and maintainability of the code.
- Interactive game for two players
- Coordinate validation to ensure valid moves
- Player score tracking
- Responsive user interface
- Modal for entering player names
- Game result messages (winner or tie)
- Functionality to reset the game and start new matches
- JavaScript (ES6)
- Git and GitHub for version control
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd tic-tac-toe
Open the projetc directory in your preferred editor.
This project uses Git for version control and GitHub to host the repository. Some of the best practices followed include:
- Frequent and descriptive commits
- Use of branches for new features and bug fixes
- Pull requests for code review
- Issues for task and bug tracking
Contributions are welcome. Please open an issue or send a pull request to discuss any major changes.
For any questions or suggestions, please contact
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