Automatic Differentiation via Contour Integration
There has previously been some back-and-forth among scientists about whether biological networks such as brains might compute derivatives. I have previously made my position on this issue clear:
The standard counter-argument is that backpropagation isn't biologically plausible but partial derivatives are very useful for closed-loop control so we are faced with a fundamental question we can't ignore. How might large branching structures in the brain and other biological systems compute derivatives?
After some reflection I realised that an important result in complex analysis due to Cauchy, the Cauchy Integral Formula, may be used to compute derivatives with a simple forward propagation of signals using a monte-carlo method. Incidentally, Cauchy also discovered the gradient descent algorithm.
Minimal implementation of differentiation via Contour Integration in the Julia language:
function nabla(f, x::Float64, delta::Float64)
## automatic differentiation of holomorphic functions in a single complex variable
## applied to real-valued functions in a single variable using the Cauchy Integral Formula
N = round(Int,2*pi/delta)
thetas = vcat(1:N)*delta
## collect arguments and rotations:
rotations = map(theta -> exp(-im*theta),thetas)
arguments = x .+ conj.(rotations)
## calculate expectation:
expectation = 1.0/N*real(sum(map(f,arguments).*rotations))
return expectation
Minimal implementation of partial differentiation via Contour Integration in the Julia language:
function partial_nabla(f, i::Int64, X::Array{Float64,1},delta::Float64)
## f:= the function to be differentiated
## i:= partial differentiation with respect to this index
## X:= where the partial derivative is evaluated
## delta:= the sampling frequency
N = length(X)
kd(i,n) = [j==i for j in 1:n]
f_i = x -> f(x*kd(i,N) .+ X.*(ones(N)-kd(i,N)))
return nabla(f_i,X[i],delta)