OpenGL Book This repository is the documentation of my OpenGL Journey. If you are a beginner and looking forward to learning OpenGL you can refer to this repository's branch. 35. Blending. 34. Stencil Testing. 33. Depth Testing. 32. Loading 3D Models using ASSIMP. 31. Added Directional Light, Spotlight Light and Point light in a scene. 30. Spotlight. 29. Point Light. 28. Directional Light. 27. Lighting maps learning more about diffuse map, specular map and emission map. 26. Added ImGUI for configuring the cube more dynamically. 25. Adding Different Materials to Cubes. 24. Basic Lighting setup using Phong Lighting Model i.e. using Ambient, Diffuse and Specular lighting 23. Added Basic Color to the objects and added Lighting Setup 22. Creating 3D Cube and performing rotation and translation with Camera movement 21. Creating 3D Cube and performing rotation and translation 20. Transformation, Rotation and Scaling a QUAD 19. This is an example of a adding textures to the cube. 18. This is an example of a View projection and movement matrices. 17. This is an example of a rendering cube using Index Buffer object strategy. 16. This is an example of a cube. 15. This is an example of rotation matrix and scaling Matrix. 14. This is an example of how to implement perspective projection. 13. This is an example of changing Local coordinates to World Space. 12. This is an example of GLSL Uniform Variable. 11. This is an example of playing around GLM 10. This is an example of error handling in OpenGL 09. This is an example of rendering a QUAD using Indexed Buffer Strategy - More effiencent than previous 08. This is an example of rendering a QUAD 07. This is an example of Adding Colored triangle with Single Vertex buffer object 06. This is an example of Adding Colored triangle with multiple buffer object 05. This is an example of Loading a Shader from a File 04. This is an example of creating a simple triangle using SDL2, OpenGL, and shaders 03. This is an example of creating a new window using SDL2 and OpenGL Setup 02. This is an example of creating a simple triangle using GLFW, OpenGL, and shaders This is an example of creating a new window using GLFW and paint to screen If you found this repository to be more useful please hit a star ⭐️ on the repository.