- Install necessary conda ENV from CRAB.yml file in resources
Only needed for HomeBrew pipeline
conda env create -f CRAB.yaml
conda activate CRAB
- Update necessary locations in Pipeline_Variable.json for your system
Running PHoeNIx
- Run [CRAB Runner Script] (scripts/CRAB_Analysis_Runner.py) which takes path to fastq, run date (MMDDYY), pipeline type
- Make the third argument "CDC"
python CRAB_Analysis_Runner.py PathToFastq RunDate CDC
See Phoenix Wrapper documentation for more info
- Run CRAB Runner Script which takes path to fastq, run date (MMDDYY)
- Do not include a third argument if running Homebrew
python CRAB_Analysis_Runner.py PathToFastq RunDate
- Run CRAB Runner Script which takes path to fastq, rundate (MMDDYY)
- Make the third argument "tree"
python CRAB_Analysis_Runner.py PathToFastq RunDate tree
Phoenix Launcher: Run CDC Phoenix
- Wrapper to run CDC's PHoeNIx
- Parses and uploads results to internal DB
Workflow 0: Assembley
- Organize sample reads
- Trim and removed low-quality reads
- Assembly reads using SPAdes
- Check assembly quality
This step is required, assembly is needed for downstream analysis.
Workflow 1: Annotate
- Find the Multilocus sequence typing (MLST).
- Annotate genome.
This step is not required but is needed for the final report.
Workflow 2: Find AMR Genes
- Finds antimicrobial resistance genes within the assembled genome
- Parses output
This step is required, to find resistances.
Workflow 3: Database Push
- Open HORIZON LIMS database (Oracle).
- Join all demographics with sample ID.
- Join demographics with assembly stats.
- Create resistance gene table.
- Push new demographics, assembly stats, resistance gene to CRAB DB SQL database.
- Write demographical information for final result file
This step is only required if uploading to a SQL DB.
Workflow 3.5: Phylogenetic Tree and SNP Heat Map
- Takes consensus sequences and creates a SNP heatmap and Phylogenetic Tree
Workflow 4: Create Report
- Creates final report for Epidemiologists
- Summarizes all results