OpenAI Article Summarizer, also known as "sumz," is a website designed to provide users with clear and concise summaries of articles. With just a link to the desired article, users can quickly generate a summary that is easy to read and comprehend. The website utilizes the Article Extractor and Summarizer provided by RapidAPI, which enables it to extract the most important information from any given article. Built using the React framework, Its sophisticated technology and user-friendly interface make it an excellent tool for anyone who needs to quickly and efficiently summarize articles. Additionally, sumz allows users to easily access their previously summarized articles through the history feature. APP is under developement
For API Tokens .
a. Go to RapidAPi and search for Article Extractor and Summarizer or here is the direct link for it RapidAPI Article Extractor and Summarizer
Subscribe for the free that is more than enough or you can go for paid plan.
b. Go in the endpoint click on Test EndPoint to test the API then copy the API key.
from the header parameter or from the Code Snippets 'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'YOUR_Article_Extractor_and_Summarizer_API_KEY',
c. Open the project in vscode and create a .env file and paste the API_key
Create the .env file in the main project directory and create the varible and paste the API_KEY VITE_RAPID_API_ARTILE_key=YOUR_Article_Extractor_and_Summarizer_API_KEY
For Project developement
a. Open the project in vscode and open terminal and type the command to install the packages
npm install
b. Run this command to run the project on local server
npm run dev
g. Congratulation you are all set and got to go. 🤹
Have Fun.😉