- Node.js
- npm
- MongoDB
After downloading files carry out the following instructions once inside the project directory.
Install all packages for client side:
> cd client && npm install
Install all packages for server side:
> cd server && npm install
After these two steps there are two options regarding the database.
Either replace the MongoDB connection string on line 11 in /server/server.js
with a local connection string or remote connection string.
Local connection string ( port is 27017 by default ):
This option requires an extra step when using the project as you will have to run MongoDB, it's simple just enter the following command in your terminal:
> mongod
Remote connection string:
Read this for more information.
Once all npm packages are installed run the following command in both /client
& /server
> npm start
This is the first iteration of this project, if you have any suggestions please leave it in the issues section.
This application is a clone of Twitter. Containing an almost identical UI, with a very similar user experience. For this project, I have written both the backend API and the front end.
At this current moment in time, users are able to register, sign in and make a post. Additionally, users can view their own and other user's profiles, to look at their tweets.
Users are only able to make a tweet if they are logged in, and only individual profiles may be viewed if not logged in.
This is a project with a lot of potential to showcase a range of skills, which I will slowly add to as I learn new technologies that will take this project to the next level.
As of now, my plans include:
- Ability to delete tweets
- Improve the User data model, allowing for a biography and profile picture; also including email in the sign up process that must be verified before utilising protected routes
- React ( with react-router-dom )
- Node.js ( with Express )
- MongoDB ( with Mongoose )
- JavaScript ( with axios and )