- The probe has been tested with Python version 2.7.x
- You may need to install (using pip) the following Python modules as they do not come with original distribution:
- requests
- oauthlib
- validators
- As for the X.509 certificate based probing
- the public and private keys should be in PEM format
- should the private key encrypted with a passphrase, the value of -t flag should be sufficient enough to type in the secret (otherwise the prompt will disappear and the probe will fail), it is however recommended to not use the passphrase
- The probe is not compatible with Unity version earlier than 2.x.x, please use v0.3 for earlier version
The B2ACCESS probe for ARGO does the following:
- Fetch access token using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow
- Validate the access token
- Fetch user information (via REST API)
- on the basis of the access token,
- while authenticating with username and password, and
- X509 certificate based authentication
- Probe robot users SHOULD have two accounts registered within B2ACCESS/UNITY: username/password and X509 certificate, former are the OAuth/OIDC client credentials
- The probe users SHOULD be a part of the group /oauth-clients or the group defined for the property unity.oauth2.as.clientsGroup inside the /UNITY-CONF/endpoints/oauth2-as.properties file, additionally they SHOULD have sys:oauth:allowedGrantFlows = client attribute defined inside the group. The attribute can also be set by filling-up the OAuth client registration form
- The users SHOULD also be a part of the group defined for the property unity.oauth2.as.usersGroup inside the /UNITY-CONF/endpoints/oauth2-as.properties file
- Mandatory attributes such as email should be stored in root group of the B2ACCESS/UNITY instance
- The UNITY administrator SHOULD enable certificate authenticator for the REST Admin endpoint (by default disabled)
unityServer.core.endpoints.x.endpointName=RESTful administration API
python check_b2access.py -u [unity base url] -t [timeout in seconds] -V 1 -U [username] -P [password]
python check_b2access.py -u https://localhost:8443 -t 10 -V 1 -U argo -P testPass
python check_b2access.py -u [unity base url] -t [timeout in seconds] -V 2 -C [Filesystem path to public key] -K [Filesystem path to private key]
python check_b2access.py -u https://localhost:8443 -t 10 -V 2 -C /Public_Key.pem -K Private_Key.pem