A nanophotonic resonator with high Q-factor and low mode volume is a promising system for creating optoelectronic devices on a chip and enhancing the light-matter interaction. In this work, the parameters of a silicon nitride nanophotonic resonator have been optimized to generate high-quality resonant states. The calculations were carried out using a deterministic method of achieving high Q-factor values.
Python, Jupyter Notebook, SciPy, NumPy, matplotlib
A. I. Garifullin and N. M. Arslanov "Optimization of SI3N4 nanophotonic resonator taking into account the substrate influence", Proc. SPIE 13168, Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2023, 131681J (6 September 2024); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3026578
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/AIGarifullin/Q_factor_Nanophotonic_Resonator
Create and activate virtual environment:
python3 -m venv env
If you have Linux/macOS
source env/bin/activate
Or Windows (Git Bash)
source env/scripts/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Install requirements from requirements.txt file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After this, you can select the definite folder and open the phcr-cavity-Control.ipynb
Jupyter file and special .py
file. After this, you can solve some problems like calculation of Q-factor and plot the dispersion relations, transmission spectra, etc.
The work is based on the articles:
- Quan, Q,, Deotare, P.B., Loncar, M., “Photonic crystal nanobeam cavity strongly coupled to the feeding waveguide,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 96(203102), 1-3 (2010)
- Quan, Q., Loncar, M., “Deterministic design of wavelength scale, ultra-high Q photonic crystal nanobeam cavities,” Opt. Express. 19(19), 18529 (2011)
- Zhong, T., Rochman, J., Kindem, J.M., Miyazono, E., Faraon, A., “High quality factor nanophotonic resonators in bulk rare-earth doped crystals,” Opt. Express. 24(1), 536 (2016)
- Krutov, I.A., Saygin, M.Yu., Dyakonov, I.V., Kulik, S.P., “Optimized low-loss integrated photonics silicon-nitride Y-branch splitter”, AIP Publishing, 2241(1), 020027 (2020)
This README.md file's author is Adel Garifullin.