A Linux ROS C++ Node that wraps the driver API for IDS vision cameras using IDS peak software. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
Clone the repository to your Linux computer
Generate a ROS workspace
$ mkdir -p camera_ws/src/
Copy the peak_cam package into your ROS workspace and build it
$ cp -r peak_cam/ camera_ws/src/
$ cd camera_ws/ && catkin_make && source devel/setup.bash
Set parameters such as ROS topic and acquisition rate under
Plug the IDS vision camera and launch the node
$ roslaunch peak_cam peak_cam_node.launch
Stop the node with
(SIGINT) for controlled shutdown
For multiple cameras, create a .launch
and a .yaml
file for each camera.
Hint: Sometimes the cameras are only accesible as root. Try
sudo -s
in your terminal and launch the node again.
Copyright (c) 2020, Sherif Nekkah
All rights reserved.
BSD license: see LICENSE file