This is a flask app that visualizes data from the COVID-19 API. Data is pulled directly from the API and then visualized using Plotly.
This flask app first gives an overview of the three base languages for web development: html, css, and JavaScript to work with the web template and make a data dashboard. If you want to customize the dashboard, you can do so with just a few changes to the html code but the underlying technologies of data dashboard will be css, html, JavaScript, and Python.
The Basics of the web app
The Front-end libraries
The Back-end libraries
To install the flask app, you need:
- python3
- python packages in the requirements.txt file
Install the packages with
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- To create an environment using: conda create --name --file requirements.txt
On a MacOS/linux/Window system, installation is easy. Open a terminal, and go into the directory with the flask app files. Run python python in the terminal then open a new web browser window, and type the following in the address bar:
- DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE-3001. You should be able to see the web app. The number 3001 represents the port for accessing your web app.
To run the web app, go into the directory where the file is and open the terminal and type:
- Make sure that the web app is working locally.
Next, go to and create an account if you haven't already.
Create a new folder and move all of the covid19-web app folders and files into the folder:
mkdir web_app mv -t web_app data covidapp wrangling_scripts
Update python using the terminal command conda update python
The next step is to create a virtual environment (next to the new folder to which all files and folders have been moved) and then activate the environment:
Windows System:
python -m venv covid19_venv .\covid19_venv\Scripts\activate
Linux Systems:
python3 -m venv covid19_venv source covid19_venv/bin/activate
Then, pip install the Python libraries needed for the web app (In this case those are presented below)
pip install flask pandas plotly gunicorn plotly-express numpy requests matplotlib
- The next step is to install the heroku command line tools:
Windows System:
curl | sh
Ubuntu Systems:
sudo snap install --classic heroku
Then check the installation with the command:
heroku —-version
log into heroku with the following comman
heroku login
- Heroku asks for your account email address and password, which you type into the terminal and press enter.
The next steps involved some housekeeping:
- Remove from
- Type cd web_app into the Terminal so that you are inside the folder with your web app code
Then create a proc file, which tells Heroku what to do when starting your web app:
touch Procfile
Then open the Procfile and type:
web gunicorn covid19:app
- The Flask application file is called In the template code, the same file is called So the Procfile should contain the line
Next, create a requirements file, which lists all of the Python library that your app depends on:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Initialize a git repository and make a commit:
git init git add . git commit -m "initial commit"
Now, create a heroku app:
heroku create my-app-name
Where my-app-name is a unique name that nobody else on Heroku has already used. The heroku create command should create a git repository on Heroku and a web address for accessing your web app. You can check that a remote repository was added to your git repository with the following terminal command:
git remote -v
Next, you need to push your git repository to the remote heroku repository with this command
git push heroku master
Now, you can type your web app's address in the browser to see the results.