JaRB aims to improve database usage in Java enterprise applications.
- Bean validation on database schema
- Specify rules once in database
- Publish constraints via REST
- Honor constraints on frontend
- Translate JDBC driver specific exceptions into global constraint exceptions
- Common exceptions regardless of driver
- Access to constraint violation information
- Map named constraint violations to project specific exceptions
- Populate database on application startup
- SQL (file, directory)
- Java based
- Asyncronous
- Jeroen van Schagen (jeroen@42.nl)
- Sander Benschop (sander@42.nl)
Copyright 2011-2019 42BV (http://www.42.nl)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
To validate database constraints with JSR303 validation, we often need to duplicate constraint information in both the database and entity class. Duplication is never good, so we made a @DatabaseConstrained annotation that dynamically validates all simple database constraints based on JDBC metadata.
public class Person {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private Long id;
private String name;
Whenever a database constraint is violated, the JDBC driver will convert it into a runtime exception. This SQLException is hard to use in the application because all metadata is held inside its message. By using exception translation we can convert the driver exception into a more intuitive exception, e.g. the UniqueKeyAlreadyExistsException. Inside our translated exception we have full access to the constraint violation and any desired metadata.
It is even possible to map custom exceptions on named constraints.
public class PostTitleAlreadyExistsException extends UniqueKeyViolationException {
The configuration is as follows:
@EnableDatabaseConstraints(basePackage = "nl._42.jarb.sample")
We also support XML configuration:
<constraints:enable-constraints data-source="dataSource" base-package="nl._42.jarb.sample"/>
<constraints:enable-constraints entity-manager-factory="entityManagerFactory" base-package="nl._42.jarb.sample"/>
Whenever we require data to be inserted during application startup, the database updater interface can be used.
Below we demonstrate how to run an insert script at startup:
public PopulateApplicationListener populateAppliationListener() {
return new PopulateApplicationListenerBuilder()
.add(new SqlDatabasePopulator(dataSource, new ClassPathResource("import.sql")))
.add(new ExcelDatabasePopulator(entityManagerFactory, new ClassPathResource("import.xls")))
.add(new SqlDatabasePopulator(dataSource, new ClassPathResource("clean.sql")))
For XML configurations we provide a namespace:
<populator:populate initializer="populator"/>
<bean id="populator" class="nl._42.jarb.populator.SqlDatabasePopulator">
<constructor-arg ref="dataSource"/>
<constructor-arg value="classpath:import.sql"/>
- constraints (simplifies the managing of (database) constraints by preventing and translating JDBC exceptions)
- populator (populate the database with data on startup, SQL script implementation and building blocks)
- utils (common utility library, used by other components)
- Version 3.0.0
- Java version below 1.8 not supported anymore
- Hibernate version below 5.0 not supported anymore