hanboDB is a high available,low latency memory database system.
support dynamic resize
support all of redis proto,e.g:
1.set get 2.lpush rpush lrange blpop brpop llen 3.hset hget hgetall hscan 4.pub sub 5.select keys scan expire del 6.multi exec discard 7.incr incrby 8.slaveof ....
use fastUtil library(Object2List,Object2Map) as keyMap in JVM,it has a powerful read/write ability.
1.fixed unit size ,head 4 byte write in last item position,
and then each item write in 4 byte with it bytes length and actually bytes(TLV).
2.key and value are seperated in storage
3.if buffer remaining not enough to write,then auto resize
cd jredis && mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
java -jar transport-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
support one master multi slave,but not support auto selective master,now need to manual promotion. i will plan to implement sentinel mechanism
auto discovery slave node
auto register slave node