A simple todo application development environment using Docker and Docker Compose.
Support for Docker Compose version 3 (latest Docker Compose recommended)
More may come...
# Go to repository folder
docker-compose up
Go to http://localhost:8080/
when its finished loading.
To run in detached mode simply add the flag -d to the end of the command.
docker-compose up -d
Then kill the process with:
docker-compose kill
Same as Linux.
If you run into an error while running docker-compose up, open the settings of Docker for Windows (right click icon in taskbar and select settings). Then go to Network tab and select Fixed DNS Server with the adress (should be prefilled already). Apply and wait for docker to restart. Try docker-compose up again.
You also require a password in order to share files with docker, for some reason Docker can't handle a user without a password so if you don't have one, you should add a password to your profile.
Instruction to clean up containers and images.
WARNING Removes all containers, images and volumes!
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -f dangling=true -q)
Robo 3T (f.k.a. Robomongo) is a cross platform tool that allows you to view a mongo database and work directly with the data. This section explains how to connect Robo 3T with a mongoDB instance running in a docker container.
To connect the Robo 3T client to the mongoDB instance just open the program and connect to localhost:27017. You should then be able to connect and view the database inside the Robo 3T client.
https://nanotu.be/admins | POST Creates admin account with the credentials:
username: admin
password: admin123
Returns statuscode 201 and the JSON
"message": "Admin account has been created",
"status": 201
https://nanotu.be/admins/auth | POST Authenticates admin. Requires the following data:
username: admin
passowrd: admin123
Returns statuscode 200 and the JSON
"message": "Successfully logged in as admin",
"status": 200,
"token": "a-jwt-of-great-importance55"
https://nanotu.be/companies | GET Gets a list of all companies
If ok: returns statuscode 200 and the JSON
"status": 200,
"message": "Successfully extracted all companies",
"companies": [
"username": "Company1"
"username": "Company2"
If company name exists: returns 409 and the JSON
"message": "Company already exists",
"status": 409
https://nanotu.be/companies | POST Creates a company. Requires the following data:
username: username-of-company
password: password-for-company
jwt: an-admin-jwt
If ok: returns statuscode 201 and the JSON
"message": "Company was created",
"status": 201
If company name exists: returns 409 and the JSON
"message": "Company already exists",
"status": 409
https://nanotu.be/auth | POST Authenticates company. Requires the following data:
username: username-of-company
password: password-for-company
Returns statuscode 200 and the JSON
"message": "Successfully logged in as company",
"status": 200,
"token": "a-jwt-of-great-importance42"
https://nanotu.be/companies/{company-name}/representatives | GET Gets all representatives from specific company.
Returns statuscode 200 and the JSON
"message": "Successfully extracted all representatives for {company-name}",
"representatives": [
"username": "adminsasdasd"
"username": "one"
"status": 200
https://nanotu.be/companies/{company-name}/representatives | POST Creates a representative. Requires the following data:
username: name-of-representative
password: password-for-representative
jwt: a-company-jwt
If ok: returns statuscode 201 and the JSON
"message": "Representative was created",
"status": 201
If exists: returns 409 and the JSON
"message": "Representative already exists",
"status": 409
https://nanotu.be/auth | POST Authenticates representative. Requires the following data:
username: representative-username
password: representative-password
Returns statuscode 200 and the JSON
"message": "Successfully logged in as representative",
"status": 200,
"token": "a-jwt-of-great-importance33"
https://nanotu.be/consumers | POST Creates a consumer. Requires the following data:
username: name-of-consumer
password: password-for-consumer
If ok: returns statuscode 201 and the JSON
"message": "User was created",
"status": 201
If exists: returns 409 and the JSON
"message": "User already exists",
"status": 409
https://nanotu.be/auth | POST Authenticates consumer. Requires the following data:
username: consumer-username
password: consumer-password
Returns statuscode 200 and the JSON
"message": "Successfully logged in as consumer",
"status": 200,
"token": "a-jwt-of-great-importance33"
https://nanotu.be/categories | GET Gets all available categories.
"message": [
"category": "toaster",
"_id": 0
"category": "not-toaster",
"_id": 1
"status": 200
https://nanotu.be/categories | POST Creates a new category. Requires the following data:
"jwt": "an.admin.jwt",
"category": "new-category-name"
Returns statuscode 201 and the JSON
"message": "Category created",
"status": 201
https://nanotu.be/categories//subcategories | POST Creates a new sub-category. requires the following data:
"jwt": "ad.admin.jwt",
"category": "new-sub-category-name"
Returns statuscode 201 and the JSON
"message": "Subcategory created",
"status": 201
https://nanotu.be/products | GET Gets all products in the system.
Returns statuscode 200 and the JSON
"message": "Successfully retreived all the products",
"status": 200,
"data": {
"products": [
"_id": "5a201042e3214800071cf307",
"category": "cars",
"createdBy": "ElonMusk",
"description": "en gul bil",
"files": [
"file": "/materials/tesla/productID/filename-15120535634336069.pdf"
"name": "gul bil",
"producer": "tesla"
https://nanotu.be/products | POST Creates a new product. Requires the following data:
"jwt": "a.representative.jwt",
"name": "product.name",
"serialNo": "product.serial.number",
"description": "product.description",
"category": "product.category",
"files": [] //optional array of files
Returns the following JSON:
"data": {
"product": {
"_id": "5a2025d4e32148031032e9d4",
"category": "cars",
"createdBy": "ElonMusk",
"description": "en blå bil",
"files": [], //If no files were present in the POST request
"name": "blå bil",
"producer": "tesla",
"serialNo": "122"
"message": "Product was created",
"status": 201
https://nanotu.be/products/<_id>/materials | POST Uploads material to the specified product Requires the following data:
"jwt": "a.representative.jwt",
"files": [pdf.files.to.upload]
Returns the following JSON:
"data": {
"product": {
"_id": "5a202ddfe3214803f7dc192a",
"category": "cars",
"createdBy": "ElonMusk",
"description": "en blå bil",
"files": [
"file": "/materials/tesla/product_id/filename-1512058335748237.pdf"
"file": "/materials/tesla/product_id/filename-15120583750399292.pdf"
"file": "/materials/tesla/product_id/filename-15120583750524912.pdf"
"file": "/materials/tesla/product_id/filename-15120583750654202.pdf"
"name": "blå bil",
"producer": "tesla",
"serialNo": "1223"
"message": "Successfully uploaded material to the product",
"status": 200
https://nanotu.be/products/<_id> | GET Gets the information for the specified product. Returns the following JSON:
{ "data": { "product": { "category": "Mon Dec 04 2017 17:05:05 GMT+0100 (CET)", "createdBy": "889748890", "files": [ { "average": 5, "comments": [], "material_id": "hej-15125582259389868.pdf", "name": "hej", "owner": "5a27ce917ae6da0021d97ef4", "path": "/materials/242235471/5a27ce917ae6da0021d97ef4/hej-15125582259389868.pdf", "stars": [ { "rate": 5, "username": "815247452" } ], "votes": 1 } ], "name": "Toaster from test with pdf", "producer": "242235471", "serialNo": "242235471" } }, "message": "Found product", "status": 200 }
https://nanotu.be/companies//products | GET Returns all the listed products of the specified company as the following JSON:
"data": {
"products": [
"_id": "5a201b3be32148027dfa18dd",
"category": "super_awesome_cars",
"createdBy": "ElonMusk",
"description": "en gul bil",
"files": [],
"name": "gul bil",
"producer": "tesla",
"serialNo": "123333"
"_id": "5a202ddfe3214803f7dc192a",
"category": "super_awesome_cars",
"createdBy": "ElonMusk",
"description": "en blå bil",
"files": [
"file": "/materials/tesla/product_id/filename-1512058335748237.pdf"
"file": "/materials/tesla/product_id/filename-15120583750399292.pdf"
"name": "blå bil",
"producer": "tesla",
"serialNo": "1223"
"message": "Successfully retreived all the products for company tesla",
"status": 200
https://nanotu.be/materials//<product_id>/ | GET Returns the saved file
https://nanotu.be/products/<product_id>/materials/<material_name>/rate | POST Gives the selected material a rating. Requires the following data:
"jwt": "a.consumer.jwt",
"rate": 4 (An integer between 1 and 5)
https://nanotu.be/consumers//materials/<material_id>/annotations | POST Creates or updates annotation. If there is already an annotation for the specified material this method will just overwrite it with a new one. Else it creates a new annotation for that material. Requires the following data:
"username" {string} -- name of user the annotation belongs to
"material_id" {string} -- id of material to annotate
https://nanotu.be/consumers//materials/<material_id>/annotations | GET Gets all annotations connected to a specifi file. Requires the following data:
"username": "Bertil Hansson"
"material_id": "filnamnkylskap123"
Returns the following JSON and the statuscode:
{"data": {
"annotations": "Litet kylskåp"
"message": "Successfully retreived the annotations for the material"
"status": 200
https://nanotu.be/threads | GET Returns the created thread in a list in the following JSON:
[ { "id": "rifsffshfh", "name": "Sven", "title": "Vad är egentligen ett kylskåp?", "timestamp": "typ-nyss" }, { "id": "7483302", "name": "Jörgen", "title": "Varför är lampan röd?", "timestamp": "ungefär-nu" } ] Returns the following statuscode:
"message": "Successfully retrieved all the threads"
"status": 200
https://nanotu.be/threads | POST Creates a thread reply with text. Returns the id of the created thread. Requires the following data:
"jwt": "rep.or.consumer",
"message": "An answer I have"
"message": "Thread was created"
"status": 201
https://nanotu.be/threads/<_id> | GET Returns a single thread for a specific product. Requires the following data:
"id": "thread.id"
Returns the statuscode and located thread:
"status": 200
https://nanotu.be/threads/<_id>/replies | POST Posts a reply to a specific thread. Requires the following data:
"jwt": "rep.or.consumer",
"id": "thread.id"
Returns the the following data:
"message": "Reply created" "status": 201
https://nanotu.be/companies Extracts users within companies. Returns the following statuscode and message:
"message": "Successfully extracted all users" "status": 200
https://nanotu.be/companies | POST Creates company. Returns the following statuscode and message:
"message": "Company was created" "status": 201
https://nanotu.be/companies//representatives Gets list of representatives from specific company. Returns the following statuscode and list of representatives:
"status": 200
https://nanotu.be/companies//representatives | POST Creates representative. Requires the name of a representative. Returns the following statuscode and message:
"message": "Representative was created" "status": 201
https://nanotu.be/companies//products Gets all products for the company. Requires the name of a product. Returns the following statuscode, list of products and message:
"message": "Successfully retreived all the products for company " + name "status": 200
https://nanotu.be/companies//threads/<thread_id> | PATCH Removes read thread from company. Requires the name of the authorized owner of the thread, i.e. a representative for the company. Returns the following statuscode:
"status": 204