Just a bunch of bad factorial computing programs in a bunch of different languages
- Arduino
- C#
- Java
- Javascript
- Visual Basic
- C++
- Python
- Scratch
- RobotC
- Element
- Foo
- Kotlin
- Brainfuck
- TypeScript
- Ook
- C
- Swift
- Bash script
- Perl
- Wolfram Language
- Rust
- PHP (thanks to Zynh0722)
- Fortran (thanks to rajeshprasanth)
- Julia
- Clojure (thanks to alexjuda)
- V
- Pick a language to create a factorial program for
- Make sure that it hasn't been done in that language already (or improve an existing program)
- Create the factorial program in that language
- Fork the project and create a pull request
- Title the pull request with the language you are committing
- Add extra info I should know to the description (like where to test the code, how to input the factorial, etc)
- Wait for me to either accept or reject it (I'll try to tell you why I reject it if I did)