Interactive AI-powered application using React, Express.js, MongoDB, Google Gemini AI, and Clerk for user authentication. Features include text and image search with history tracking, powered by
Home & Authentication: Users start at the homepage and can proceed to log in or sign up via Clerk authentication.
- Tech Stack: React, Clerk
Dashboard & Search: After signing up, users access a dashboard where they can perform text and image searches, with their search history stored in a sidebar.
- Tech Stack: React, Google Gemini AI
Backend & Database: The backend handles requests and stores user data and search history.
- Tech Stack: Express.js, MongoDB
Image Search: Users can perform image searches, with image management powered by
- Tech Stack: React, Google Gemini AI,
Contributions to the project are welcome! To contribute, fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes. Once you have made your changes, create a pull request to merge your branch into the main repository.