Boilerplate of Nest Framework Architecture This is used Domain Driven Design Local Jwt Authentication (Passport JS) Authentication can be via cookie or headers Simple Role Based Enumeration Custom (Decorators, Exceptions, Guards, Middlewares, Responses, Filters, Interceptors) Authentication using HTTP Only, Secure, Same site OpenAPI using swagger Health Check Git Hooks (Husky) configured check commit formar, linter & formatter Redis cached Observability Trace is send to Grafana Tempo Metrics is send to Prometheus Log is send to Grafana Loki Monitoring Dashboard used Grafana Storage Used PostgreSQL ORM Prisma Redis Running dependencies using docker-compose docker-compose up -d --build Database Migration yarn && yarn db:migrate yarn prisma:sync yarn db:seed Running the app for development yarn dev # or yarn watch Running the app for production yarn build && yarn start:prod Test API http://localhost:<your env port>/openapi