This boilerplate is a starting point for the workshop exercise on making a map of Switzerland.
First clone this repo.
$ git clone
Once you have done that, navigate into the folder and unlink it from the starter git repo.
$ cd switzerland-dataviz-starter
$ rm -Rf .git
In order to start developing and loading data asynchronously make sure that you run a python server:
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 3000
To stop the server type ctrl-c
. Once your server is running you can navigate to localhost:3000
Open the directory in atom/vscode and start coding :)
The following are small snippets of code that will help you make a choropleth map.
.then(function(geoData) {
// process your geojson data
.then(function(csvData) {
// process your csv data
function mergeDatasets(geoData, csvData) {
const newFeatures = {
const cantonId =
const csvDataPoint = csvData.find(function(d) {
return d.code === cantonId
return {
properties: {,
geoData.features = newFeatures
return geoData
To use the merge util make sure to load your geojson data and your csv data first.
.then(function(geoData) {
.then(function(csvData) {
const mergedDatasets = mergeDatasets(geoData, csvData)
// use mergedDatasets to create the visualisation
const projection = d3.geoMercator()
You can set the color depending on the data in the following way:
const cantons = svg.selectAll(".canton")
.attr("d", d => path(d))
.attr("fill", d => {
if ( > 50) {
return "#4CAF50"
else {
return "#FF5722"
To add points of interest to your map, you can use the projection function:
// Zurich
const zurichCoordinates = projection([8.5417,47.3769])
const zurich = svg.append("circle")
.attr("cx", zurichCoordinates[0])
.attr("cy", zurichCoordinates[1])
.attr("r", 4)
At any given point you can inspect variables, but using console.log(VARNAME)
. The variable will appear in the console of your devTools in the browser.
.then(function(geoData) {