is a command-line tool for working with JSON.
Use your package manager to get it, or build it from source.
See GitHub.
Pretty-print JSON.
Print JSON in a compact format.
jq -c
Print the sum of a list of numbers.
) creates an array for the input lines after parsing each line as JSON, or as a number in this case.jq -s add
Print the maximum of a list of numbers.
jq -s max
Print the average of a list of numbers.
jq -s add/length
Print the RMS of a list of numbers, like
awk '{x+=$0*$0}END{print sqrt(x/NR)}'
.jq -s 'map(.*.)|add/length|sqrt'
Print the length of the longest line, like
wc -L
in GNUwc
) treats each input line as a string.jq -R length|jq -s max
Apply percent encoding.
reads the input into a single string.-r
) outputs the contents of strings instead of JSON string literals.jq -sRr @uri
Escape HTML or XML, like
xml esc
orrecode ..xml
.jq -sRr @html
Print the number nearest to 50 on a list of numbers.
jq -s 'min_by(.-50*.-50)'
awk '$0<100{exit 1}'
sets the exit status to 1 if the last output value is false or null.jq -es 'map(.>=100)|all'>/dev/null
Round each number on a list of numbers down to the nearest multiple of 20.
jq -R 'tonumber/20|floor*20'
awk 'length<=80'
.jq -Rr 'select(length<=80)'
Sort a single line list where items are delimited by a comma followed by a space, like
gsed 's/, /\n/g'|sort|sed '$!s/$/, /'|paste -sd\\0 -
. The/
operator is overloaded to split strings.jq -Rr './", "|sort|join(", ")'
Convert a list of lines into a JSON array of strings.
jq -R .
prints each input line as a JSON string literal so that the input can be slurped with-s
.jq -R .|jq -s .
Sort by length, like
awk '{print length,$0}'|sort -n|cut -d' ' -f2-
.jq -R .|jq -sr 'sort_by(length)[]'
sort -t\; -uk3,3
also sorts items.jq -R .|jq -sr 'unique_by(split(";")[2])[]'
x="$x" awk '{print ENVIRON["x"]$0}'
.jq --arg x "$x" -Rr '$x+.'
Transpose a matrix, like
rs -c' ' -C' ' -T
.jq -R .|jq -sr 'map(./" ")|transpose|map(join(" "))[]'
Print lines that end with the specified string.
jq --arg x "$string" -Rr 'select(endswith($x))'
Print the product of a list of numbers.
jq -s 'reduce.[]as$x(1;.*$x)'
Print the factorial of 6.
. The end point forrange
is exclusive like in Python.jq -n 'reduce range(1;7)as$x(1;.*$x)'
Merge JSON files.
jq -s add *.json
Merge two JSON files recursively. The
operator is overloaded to merge objects recursively.jq -s '.[0]*.[1]' [12].json
Merge multiple JSON files recursively.
jq -s 'reduce.[]as$x({};.*$x)' *.json
Print 2-tuples (2-permutations with repetition) of the letters a, b, and c, like
printf %s\\n {a,b,c}{a,b,c}
.jq -nr '"abc"/""|combinations(2)|join("")'
Subtract the minimum number from each number a list of numbers.
jq -s 'min as$x|map(.-$x)[]'
awk '{if(/pattern/)print;else x=x$0"\n"}END{printf"%s",x}'
is likematch
but it only returns true or false instead of a match object.jq -R .|jq -sr 'group_by(test("pattern")|not)[][]'
while IFS= read -r l;do printf %s\\n "${x//aa/$l}";done
.jq --arg x "$x" -Rr '. as$in|$x|gsub("aa";$in)'
pcregrep -M -o1 -o2 --om-separator=' ' '(?s)<a href="([^"]*)">MP3 Download.*?Rated <strong>([^<]*)'
.jq -Rsr 'scan("(?s)<a href="([^\"])">MP3 Download.?Rated ([^<]*)")|join(" ")'
grep -Ff file1 file2
.jq --slurpfile a <(jq -R . file1) -Rr '. as$in|select($a|map(inside($in))|any)' file2
awk '{split($3,a,"/");$3=a[5]}1' FS=\; OFS=\;
is the update operator.jq -Rr './";"|.[2]|=(./"/")[4]|join(";")'
Print the geometric mean of a list of numbers, like
awk '{x*=$0}END{print x^(1/NR)}' x=1
.jq -s 'length as$l|reduce.[]as$x(1;.*$x)|pow(.;1/$l)'
awk '{if(length<=80)print;else x=x$0"\n"}END{printf"%s",x}'
.jq -R .|jq -sr 'group_by(length>80)[][]'
awk -F\; 'NR==FNR{a[$0]=NR;next}{print a[$3],$0}' file1 file2|sort -n|cut -d' ' -f2-
, assuming thatfile1
contains each line only once.jq -R . file2|jq --slurpfile a <(jq -R . file1) -s 'sort_by((./";")[2]as$x|$a|indices($x))'
Print the standard deviation of a list of numbers, like
awk '{x+=$0;y+=$0^2}END{print sqrt(y/NR-(x/NR)^2)}'
.jq -s '(map(.*.)|add/length)-pow(add/length;2)|sqrt'
grep -Fxf file1 file2;grep -Fxvf file1 file2
.jq -R . file2|jq --slurpfile a <(jq -R . file1) -rs 'group_by([.]|inside($a))[][]'
Scale a list of numbers so the smallest number becomes 0.0 and the largest becomes 1.0.
jq -rs 'min as$min|max as$max|map((.-$min)/($max-$min))[]'
Floor each number on a list of numbers, like
awk '{x=int($0);print(x==$0||$0>0)?x:x-1}'
.jq -s 'map(floor)[]'
Round each number on a list of numbers down to a multiple of 100.
jq -s 'map(./100|floor|.*100)[]'
Count how many numbers are between each multiple of 100 on a list of numbers, where the start of each block is inclusive and the end is exclusive.
jq -sr 'map(./100|floor|.*100)|group_by(.)[]|(length|tostring)+" "+(.[0]|tostring)'
Print the sum of numbers in each column in a table of numbers where columns are separated by tabs, assuming that each row has the same number of columns.
jq -R .|jq -sr 'map(./"\t"|map(tonumber))|transpose|map(add|tostring)|join("\t")'
Sort a Markdown file that consists of sections that start with second level ATX headings by the headings.
makes period match a newline and(?m)
match the start of a line and$
match the end of a line.jq -Rsr '[scan("(?sm)^## .*?(?=\n\n## |\Z)")]|sort|join("\n\n")'
Print the lines of the input that contain all substrings in
.jq --slurpfile a <(jq -R . substrings.txt) -Rr 'select(. as$in|$a|map(inside($in))|all)'
Reverse words on each line, like
awk -F'[ ]' '{for(i=NF;i>=1;i--)printf"%s",$i (i==1?"\n":" ")}'
.jq -Rr './" "|reverse|join(" ")'
Sort lines by the number of lines of the input whose second field the second field is.
jq -R .|jq -sr 'group_by((./" ")[1])|sort_by(length)[][]'
sort|uniq -c|awk '$1<=2'|sed 's/^ *[^ ]* //'
but without sorting.jq -R .|jq -sr 'group_by(.)[]|select(length<=2)[0]'
Open a
URL for the first Spotify search result. Without//empty
command would printnull
when the result of the filter is null.curl -sG --data-urlencode q='Artist - Title' 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?type=track'|jq -r '.tracks.items[0].uri//empty'|xargs open -g
Print the WikiText source of a Wikipedia article.
selects a key whose name consists of an asterisk.curl -s 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=json&titles=Example'|jq -r '.query.pages[].revisions[]."*"'
Get similar artists for an artist from Last.fm.
curl -s "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?api_key=$lastfmapi&format=json&method=artist.getsimilar&artist=$artist"|jq -r '.similarartists.artist[].name'