CS231n : Deep Learning Lecture for Computer Vision Stanford CS231n 2016 Assignment Assignment1 Q1: k-Nearest Neighbor classifier (Completed) Q2: Training a Support Vector Machine (Completed) Q3: Implement a Softmax classifier (Completed) Q4: Two-Layer Neural Network (Completed) Q5: Higher Level Representations: Image Features (Completed) Assignment2 Q1: Fully-connected Neural Network (Completed) Q2: Batch Normalization (Completed) Q3: Dropout (Completed) Q4: ConvNet on CIFAR-10 (A Little Bit Left) Assignment3 Q1: Image Captioning with Vanilla RNNs (Completed) Q2: Image Captioning with LSTMs (Completed) Q3: Image Gradients: Saliency maps and Fooling Images (Not Yet) Q4: Image Generation: Classes, Inversion, DeepDream (Not Yet)