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Yu Morishita edited this page Jan 2, 2020 · 4 revisions

File Structure

Input for Step 11 or Step 03-05 (Output of Step 02)

Name Format Contents
GEOCml1/ dir
├── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd/ dir
│ ├── float Coherence
│ ├── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.unw float Unwrapped interferogram
│ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.unw.png png Quick look of unw
├── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd/ dir
├── ...
├── EQA.dem_par text Parameters of equiangular geographical coordinates
├── slc.mli.par text Parameters of interferograms
[├── slc.mli] float Multilook intensity (MLI) image
[├── slc.mli.png] png Quick look of MLI
[├── hgt] float Height image based on DEM
[├── hgt.png] png Quick look of hgt
[├── baselines] text Perpendicular baselines
Used for network plot
[├── E.geo] float East component of LOS unit vector
[├── N.geo] float North component of LOS unit vector
[└── U.geo] float Upward component of LOS unit vector
Used in Step03

[├── ] : optional

Example of EQA.dem_par

width: 3338
nlines: 2685
corner_lat:     38.3944444  decimal degrees
corner_lon:    138.3788889  decimal degrees
post_lat: -0.001 decimal degrees
post_lon: 0.001 decimal degrees

ellipsoid_name: WGS 84
ellipsoid_ra:        6378137.000   m
ellipsoid_reciprocal_flattening:  298.2572236

Example of slc.mli.par

range_samples:   3338
azimuth_lines:   2685
radar_frequency: 5405000000.0 Hz

Output of Step 11-16

Name Format Output
of Step
TS_GEOCml1/ dir 11
├── 11bad_ifg_ras/ dir 11
│ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.unw.png png 11 png of bad ifg at Step 11
├── 11ifg_ras/ dir 11
│ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.unw.png png 11 png of good ifg at Step 11
├── 12bad_ifg_cand_ras/ dir 12
│ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.unw.png png 12 png of bad ifg candidate at Step 12
├── 12bad_ifg_ras/ dir 12
│ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.unw.png png 12 png of bad ifg at Step 12
├── 12ifg_ras/ dir 12
│ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.unw.png png 12 png of good ifg at Step 12
├── 12loop/ dir 12
│ ├── bad_ifg_loopref.txt text 12 List of bad ifgs identified with considering reference point
│ ├── bad_ifg_loop.txt text 12 List of bad ifgs
│ ├── bad_ifg_noref.txt text 12 List of bad ifgs identified without considering reference point
│ ├── bad_loop_cand_png/ dir 12
│ │ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd_loop.png png 12 png of bad loop candidate
│ ├── bad_loop_png/ dir 12
│ │ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd_loop.png png 12 png of bad loop
│ ├── loop_info.txt text 12 Statistics of loop closure check
│ └── loop_ph_rms_masked[.png] float
12 RMS of all loop phases used for selection of preliminary reference (and quick look)
│ └── loop_png/ dir 12
│ │ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd_loop.png png 12 png of good loop
├── 12no_loop_ifg_ras/ dir 12
│ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.unw.png png 12 png of ifg without loops
├── 13increment/ dir 13
[│ ├── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.increment] float 13 Incremental displacement
│ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.increment.png png 13 png of increment
├── 13resid/ dir 13
[│ ├── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.res] float 13 Residual of SB inversion for each ifg
│ └── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.res.png png 13 png of res
├── 16filt/ dir 16
[│ ├── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd_filt] float 16 Filtered incremental displacement
│ ├── yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd_filt.png png 16 png of filt
[│ └── yyyymmdd_filt] float 16 Filtered cumulative displacement
│ └── yyyymmdd_filt.png png 16 png of filt
├── cum_filt.h5 hdf5 16 Filtered cumulative displacement and other metadata
├── cum.h5 hdf5 13 Unfiltered cumulative displacement and other metadata
├── info/ dir 11
│ ├── 11bad_ifg.txt text 11 List of bad ifgs identified at Step 11
│ ├── 11ifg_stats.txt text 11 Statistics of ifgs
│ ├── 11removed_image.txt text 11 List of removed images identified at Step 11
│ ├── 12bad_ifg_cand.txt text 12 List of bad ifg candidates identified at Step 12
│ ├── 12bad_ifg.txt text 12 List of bad ifgs identified at Step 12
│ ├── 12network_gap_info.txt text 12 Network gap information
│ ├── 12removed_image.txt text 12 List of removed images identified at Step 12
│ ├── 13resid.txt text 13 List of RMS of residuals
│ ├── 13used_image.txt text 13 List of images used for SB inversion at Step 13
│ ├── EQA.dem_par text 11 Parameters of equiangular geographical coordinates
│ ├── parameters.txt text 13 Processing parameters
│ ├── ref.kml kml 12 kml of preliminary reference point
│ ├── ref.txt text 12 Coordinates of preliminary reference point
│ └── slc.mli.par text 11 Parameters of interferograms
├── mask_ts_masked.png png 15 Preview of masking at Step 15 with masked noise indices
├── mask_ts.png png 15 Preview of masking at Step 15
├── network/ dir 11
│ ├── network11_all.png png 11 SB network before Step 11
│ ├── network11_nobad.png png 11 SB network after Step 11
│ ├── network11.png png 11 SB network at Step 11 with bad ifgs denoted by red lines
│ ├── network12_all.png png 12 SB network before Step 12
│ ├── network12_nobad.png png 12 SB network after Step 12
│ ├── network12.png png 12 SB network at Step 12 with bad ifgs denoted by red lines
│ ├── network13_all.png png 13 SB network of all available ifgs
│ ├── network13_nobad.png png 13 SB network without bad ifgs identified at Step 11-12
│ └── network13.png png 13 SB network with bad ifgs denoted by red lines
└── results/ dir 11
├── coh_avg[.png] float 12 Average of coherence (and quick look)
[ ├── hgt[.png]] float 11 Height (and quick look)
├── mask[.png] float 15 Mask (and quick look)
├── maxTlen[.png] float 13 Maximum time length of connected network (and quick look)
├── n_gap[.png] float 13 Number of gaps in network (and quick look)
├── n_ifg_noloop[.png] float 13 Number of interferograms with no loops (and quick look)
├── n_loop_err[.png] float 12 Number of unclosed loops (and quick look)
├── n_unw[.png] float 12 Number of used unwrapped data (and quick look)
├── resid_rms[.png] float 13 RMS of residuals in SB inversion (and quick look)
[ ├── slc.mli[.png]] float 11 MLI (and quick look)
├── stc[.png] float 14 Spatiotemporal consistency (and quick look)
├── vel[.png] float 13 Velocity (and quick look)
├── vel.filt[.png] float 16 Velocity for filtered time series (and quick look)
├── vel.filt.mskd[.png] float 16 Masked velocity for filtered time series (and quick look)
├── vel.mskd[.png] float 15 Masked velocity (and quick look)
├── vintercept[.png] float 13 Intercept of linear model (and quick look)
├── vintercept.filt[.png] float 16 Intercept of linear model for filtered time series (and quick look)
├── vintercept.filt.mskd[.png] float 16 Masked intercept of linear model for filtered time series (and quick look)
└── vstd[.png] float 14 STD of velocity (and quick look)

[├── ] : optional, bold: important files that should be checked