This project is to provide dataset and analysis files for A Mass Media Experiment in Rural Uganda to violence against women by encouraging disclosure. The published paper is here. This multi-wave Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) have been conducted by Donald Green, Anna Wilke, and Jasper Cooper. I was responsible for building this archive repository to make this large-scale experiment dataset more accessible to academic commons and the general public.
Affiliation: Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, Columbia University
Keywords: Randomized Controlled Trials, Replication Archive
Software: R
, LaTex
, bash
This repository is also published on Harvard Dataverse
- Install the required packages
while IFS=" " read -r package version;
Rscript -e "devtools::install_version('"$package"', version='"$version"')";
done < "requirements.txt"
to ensure that all file paths are set relative to the replication archive -
and run all scripts from here -
logics switch on and off scripts that take a long time to run
= Contains raw data- boostrap_extrapolation.Rdata = Stored output extrapolation
- cluster_level_data/ = Village-level data
- film_festival.csv = Data on intervention
- location_data.csv = Data that link cluster IDs to districts
- sampling_radius.csv = Radii for sampling of Rs
- treatment_assignment.csv = Random assignment
= ODK tablet coding- endline_choices.csv = Endline survey answer choices
- endline_Qs.csv = Endline survey questions
- midline_choices.csv = Midline survey answer choices
- midline_Qs.csv = Midline survey questions
- vht_endline_choices.csv = VHT endline survey answer choices
- vht_endline_Qs.csv = Endline VHT survey questions
- vht_midline_choices.csv = VHT midline survey answer choices
- vht_midline_Qs.csv = Midline VHT survey questions
= Household level data- distance_data.csv = Distance of Rs to video hall
- endline_1.csv = Endline HH survey
- endline_2.csv = Endline HH survey
- endline_3.csv = Endline HH survey
- endline_4.csv = Endline HH survey
- midline_1.csv = Midline HH survey
- midline_2.csv = Midline HH survey
- midline_3_1.csv = Midline HH survey
- midline_3_2.csv = Midline HH survey
- midline_3.csv = Midline HH survey
- midline_4.csv = Midline HH survey
- midline_5.csv = Midline HH survey
- random_sampling_1.csv = Random sampling of Rs in midline
- random_sampling_2.csv = Random sampling of Rs in midline
- lasso_selected_covariates.Rdata = Covariates selected through lasso
- UG_VAW_data.Rdata = Stored full data
= VHT datasets- vht_el_1.csv = VHT endline survey
- vht_ml_1.csv = VHT midline survey
- vht_ml_2.csv = VHT midline survey
- vht_ml_3.csv = VHT midline survey
- vht_ml_4.csv = VHT midline survey
= Code scripts- __main_script.R = Main script that runs others
- 00_useful_functions/ = Functions used throughout
- 01_codebook/ = Scripts that build codebooks
- 02_load_and_clean_data/ = Loading and cleaning datasets
- 03_variable_coding/ = Coding outcomes and covariates
- 04_merging/ = Merging datasets
- 05_covariate_selection/ = Lasso covariate selection
- 06_analyses_paper/ = Analysis scripts
- 07_analyses_appendix/ = Robustness check scripts
= Tables are output here04_figures/
= Figures are output here- IPV_replication.Rproj = Run everything from here
- Most analyses are based on a panel of "compliers" interviewed in both the midline and endline surveys. This subset can be identified using the subset respondent_category == "Complier".
- We did not re-ask all questions of those in the panel, so their endline responses are merged in from midline.
- The multiple versions of the raw data correspond to the different datasets output by ODK / CSO when a change is made to the survey. Each change requires a new survey version, thus producing a new dataset.
- The only change made to the raw data files is the removal of PII and variables that are not used in the analysis.
- All other modifications made to data (changing of values, etc.) in cleaning scripts were implemented by field manager over course of field work.