#include "rapidudf/rapidudf.h"
struct TestInternal {
int a = 0;
// declare all fields used in expression/UDFs
struct TestStruct {
int a = 0;
TestInternal internal;
TestInternal* internal_ptr = nullptr;
std::vector<int> vec;
// declare all fields used in expression/UDFs
RUDF_STRUCT_FIELDS(TestStruct, internal, internal_ptr, a, vec)
JitCompiler compiler;
std::string source = "x.internal.a";
auto result = compiler.CompileExpression<int, const TestStruct&>(source, {"x"});
if (!result.ok()) {
// handle error
auto f = std::move(result.value());
TestStruct test;
int a = f(test);
std::string source1 = "x.internal_ptr.a";
auto result1 = compiler.CompileExpression<int, const TestStruct&>(source1, {"x"});
if (!result1.ok()) {
// handle error
auto f1 = std::move(result1.value());
TestInternal tmp;
int other_a = f1(test);
#include "rapidudf/rapidudf.h"
struct TestMethodStruct {
int a;
float b;
int* p = nullptr;
std::string_view c;
int get_a() const { return a; }
void set_a(int x) { this->a = x; }
// declare all member methods used in expression/UDFs
RUDF_STRUCT_MEMBER_METHODS(TestMethodStruct, get_a, set_a);
TestMethodStruct test;
rapidudf::JitCompiler compiler;
std::string source = R"(
// "TestMethodStruct x" is a pointer/reference of 'TestMethodStruct'
int test_func(TestMethodStruct x, int a){
return x.get_a();
auto result = compiler.CompileFunction<int, TestMethodStruct&, int>(source);
if (!result.ok()) {
// handle error
auto f = std::move(result.value());
int a = f(test, 101); //return 101
#include "rapidudf/rapidudf.h"
static int test_cpp_func(int x, int y) { return x * 100 + y; }
// use 'test_cpp_func' in expression/UDFs
// use 'test_cpp_func111' in expression/UDFs
RUDF_FUNC_REGISTER_WITH_NAME("test_cpp_func111", test_cpp_func)
rapidudf::JitCompiler compiler;
std::string source = R"(
int test_func(int x, int y){
return test_cpp_func(x, y);
auto rc = compiler.CompileFunction<int, int, int>(source);
auto f = std::move(rc.value());
f(2,3); // 203
All vector/map/set/unordered_map/unordered_set with type u8/u16/u32/u64/i8/i16/i32/i64/f32/f64/string_view were registed.
Users can use builtin methods in expression/UDFs
std::vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3};
JitCompiler compiler;
auto result0 = compiler.CompileExpression<int, std::vector<int>&>("x.size()", {"x"});
auto result1 = compiler.CompileExpression<int, std::vector<int>&>("x[0]", {"x"});
std::map<std::string, std::string> map{{"t0", "v0"}, {"t1", "v1"}};
auto result2 = compiler.CompileExpression<int, std::map<std::string, std::string>&>("x.size()", {"x"});
auto result3 = compiler.CompileExpression<bool, std::map<std::string, std::string>&>(R"(x.contains("t1"))", {"x"});
auto result4 = compiler.CompileExpression<StringView, std::map<std::string, std::string>&>(R"(x["t1"])", {"x"});
syntax = "proto3";
package test;
message Item{
int32 id = 1;
message PBStruct{
string str = 1;
int32 id = 2;
repeated int64 ids_array = 3;
repeated string strs_array = 4;
repeated Item item_array = 5;
map<string, Item> item_map = 6;
map<string, int32> str_int_map = 7;
// include pb header
#include "rapidudf/rapidudf.h"
//declare all fields used in expression/UDFs
RUDF_PB_FIELDS(::test::Item, id)
RUDF_PB_FIELDS(::test::PBStruct, id, str, item_array, item_map, item_map, str_int_map)
// declare write methods used in expression/UDFs
RUDF_PB_SET_FIELDS(::test::PBStruct, id, str)
// include pb header
#include "rapidudf/rapidudf.h"
JitCompiler compiler;
// read repeated field "x.item_array().get(0).id()"
// read map field str->int "x.str_int_map().get("k1")"
// read map field str->Item "x.item_map().get(key).id()"
std::string source = "x.id()";
auto rc = compiler.CompileExpression<int, const test::PBStruct&>(source, {"x"});
auto f = std::move(rc.value());
::test::PBStruct pb;
f(pb); // 101
std::string content = R"(
int test_func(test::PBStruct x, int y){
return x.id();
auto result = compiler.CompileFunction<int, test::PBStruct&, int>(content);
auto f1 = std::move(result.value());
f1(pb, 101); // return 101
namespace test_fbs;
table Item {
table FBSStruct {
root_type FBSStruct;
// include fbs header
#include "rapidudf/rapidudf.h"
RUDF_STRUCT_MEMBER_METHODS(::test_fbs::Item, id)
RUDF_STRUCT_MEMBER_METHODS(::test_fbs::FBSStruct, id, str, item, strs, items, ints)
// include pb header
#include "rapidudf/rapidudf.h"
JitCompiler compiler;
// read repeated string element "x.strs().get(0)"
// read repeated fbs struct element "x.items().get(0).id()"
std::string source = "x.id()";
auto rc = compiler.CompileExpression<int, const test_fbs::FBSStruct*>(source, {"x"});
auto f = std::move(rc.value());
const test_fbs::FBSStruct* fbs_ptr = ....;