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This page lists all current matchers in Kotlintest. Matchers can be used in two styles:

  • Extension functions like a.shouldBe(b) or a.shouldStartWith("foo")
  • Infix functions like a shouldBe b or a should startWith("foo")

Both styles are supported. The advantage of the extension function style is that the IDE can autocomplete for you, but some people may prefer the infix style as it is slightly cleaner.

Matchers can be negated by using shouldNot instead of should for the infix style. For example, a shouldNot startWith("boo"). For the extension function style, each function has an equivalent negated version, for example, a.shouldNotStartWith("boo").

obj.shouldBe(other) General purpose assertion that the given obj and other are both equal
expr.shouldBeTrue() Convenience assertion that the expression is true. Equivalent to expr.shouldBe(true)
expr.shouldBeFalse() Convenience assertion that the expression is false. Equivalent to expr.shouldBe(false)
shouldThrow<E> { block } General purpose construct that asserts that the block throws an exception of E or a subtype of E
shouldThrowExactly<E> { block } General purpose construct that asserts that the block throws an exception of exactly E
shouldThrowAny<E> { block } General purpose construct that asserts that the block throws an exception of any type (including Throwable)
obj.shouldBeSameInstanceAs(other) Compares objects by identity, that is, they are the same exact reference.
obj.shouldBeTypeOf<T>() Asserts that the given reference is exactly of type T. Subclass will fail. Ie, 1 should beOfType<Number> would fail because although 1 is a Number, the runtime type is not Number.
obj.shouldBeInstanceOf<T> Asserts that the given reference is of type T or a subclass of T.
obj.shouldHaveAnnotation(annotationClass) Asserts that the object has an annotation of the given type.
obj.shouldBeNull() Asserts that a given reference is null.
map.shouldContain("key", "value") Asserts that the map contains the mapping "key" to "value"
map.shouldContainAll(other) Asserts that the map contains all the pairs from the given map.
map.shouldContainExactly(other) Asserts that the map contains exactly the pairs from given map, and no extra.
map.shouldContainKey(key) Asserts that the map contains a key called key with any value
map.shouldContainKeys(keys) Asserts that the map contains mappings for all the given keys.
map.shouldContainValue(value) Asserts that the map contains at least one mapping where the value is value.
map.shouldContainValues(values) Asserts that the map contains all the given values.
str.shouldBeBlank() Asserts that the string contains only whitespace, or is empty.
str.shouldBeEmpty() Asserts that the string has length zero.
str.shouldBeLowerCase() Asserts that the string is all in lower case.
str.shouldBeUpperCase() Asserts that the string is all in upper case.
str.shouldContain("substr") Asserts that the string includes the given substring. The substring can be equal to the string. This matcher is case sensitive. To make this case insensitive use shouldContainIgnoringCase().
str.shouldContain(regex) Asserts that the string includes the given regular expression.
str.shouldContainADigit() Asserts that the string contains at least one digit.
str.shouldContainIgnoringCase(substring) Asserts that the string contains the substring ignoring case.
str.shouldContainOnlyDigits() Asserts that the string contains only digits, or is empty.
str.shouldContainOnlyOnce(substring) Asserts that the string contains the substring exactly once.
str.shouldEndWith("suffix") Asserts that the string ends with the given suffix. The suffix can be equal to the string. This matcher is case sensitive. To make this case insensitive call toLowerCase() on the value before the matcher.
str.shouldHaveLength(length) Asserts that the string has the given length.
str.shouldHaveLineCount(count) Asserts that the string contains the given number of lines. Similar to str.split("\n").length.shouldBe(n)
str.shouldHaveMaxLength(max) Asserts that the string is no longer than the given max length.
str.shouldHaveMinLength(min) Asserts that the string is no shorter than the given min length.
str.shouldHaveSameLengthAs(length) Asserts that the string has the same length as another string.
str.shouldMatch(regex) Asserts that the string fully matches the given regex.
str.shouldStartWith("prefix") Asserts that the string starts with the given prefix. The prefix can be equal to the string. This matcher is case sensitive. To make this case insensitive call toLowerCase() on the value before the matcher.
str.shouldBeEqualIgnoringCase(other) Asserts that the string is equal to another string ignoring case.
str.shouldMatchJson(json) Asserts that the JSON is equal to another JSON ignoring properties' order and formatting.
str.shouldContainJsonKey("$.key") Asserts that the JSON contains a key.
str.shouldContainJsonKeyValue("$.key", "value") Asserts that the JSON contains a key with a specific value.
str.shouldMatchJsonResource("/file.json") Asserts that the JSON is equal to the existing /file.json ignoring properties' order and formatting.
int.shouldBeBetween(x, y) Asserts that the integer is between x and y, inclusive on both x and y
int.shouldBeLessThan(n) Asserts that the integer is less than the given value n
int.shouldBeLessThanOrEqual(n) Asserts that the integer is less or equal to than the given value n
int.shouldBeGreaterThan(n) Asserts that the integer is greater than the given value n
int.shouldBeGreaterThanOrEqual(n) Asserts that the integer is greater than or equal to the given value n
int.shouldBeEven() Asserts that the integer is even.
int.shouldBeOdd() Asserts that the integer is odd.
int.shouldBeInRange(range) Asserts that the integer is included in the given range.
int.shouldBeZero() Asserts that the integer is zero
long.shouldBeBetween(x, y) Asserts that the long is between x and y, inclusive on both x and y
long.shouldBeLessThan(n) Asserts that the long is less than the given value n
long.shouldBeLessThanOrEqual(n) Asserts that the long is less or equal to than the given value n
long.shouldBeGreaterThan(n) Asserts that the long is greater than the given value n
long.shouldBeGreaterThanOrEqual(n) Asserts that the long is greater than or equal to the given value n
long.shouldBeInRange(range) Asserts that the long is included in the given range.
long.shouldBeEven() Asserts that the long is even.
long.shouldBeOdd() Asserts that the long is odd.
long.shouldBeZero() Asserts that the long is zero
Doubles or Floats
double.shouldBe(value plusOrMinus(tolerance)) Asserts that the double is equal to the given value within a tolerance range. This is the recommended way of testing for double equality.
double.shouldBeBetween(x, y) Asserts that the double is between x and y, inclusive on both x and y
double.shouldBeLessThan(n) Asserts that the double is less than the given value n
double.shouldBeLessThanOrEqual(n) Asserts that the double is less or equal to than the given value n
double.shouldBeGreaterThan(n) Asserts that the double is greater than the given value n
double.shouldBeGreaterThanOrEqual(n) Asserts that the double is greater than or equal to the given value n
double.shouldBePositive() Asserts that the double is positive
double.shouldBeNegative() Asserts that the double is negative
double.shouldBePositiveInfinity() Asserts that the double is positive infinity
double.shouldBeNegativeInfinity() Asserts that the double is negative infinity
double.shouldBeNaN() Asserts that the double is the Not-a-Number constant NaN
double.shouldBeZero() Asserts that the double is zero
bigDecimal.shouldHavePrecision(n) Asserts that the bigDecimal precision is equals than the given value n
bigDecimal.shouldHaveScale(n) Asserts that the bigDecimal scale is equals than the given value n
bigDecimal.shouldBePositive() Asserts that the bigDecimal is positive
bigDecimal.shouldBeNegative() Asserts that the bigDecimal is negative
bigDecimal.shouldBeZero() Asserts that the bigDecimal is zero
bigDecimal.shouldBeLessThan(n) Asserts that the bigDecimal is less than the given value n
bigDecimal.shouldBeLessThanOrEquals(n) Asserts that the bigDecimal is less than or equ
bigDecimal.shouldBeGreaterThan(n) Asserts that the bigDecimal is greater than the given value n
bigDecimal.shouldBeGreaterThanOrEquals(n) Asserts that the bigDecimal is greater than or equals to the given value n
bigDecimal.shouldBeInRange(r) Asserts that the bigDecimal is in the given range
collection.shouldBeEmpty() Asserts that the collections has zero elements.
collection.shouldBeUnique() Asserts that all the elements of the collection are distinct.
collection.shouldContain(element) Asserts that the collection contains the given element.
collection.shouldContainAll(e1, e2, ..., en) Asserts that the collection contains all the elements listed, where order is not important. Ie, element 2 can be in the collection before element 1.
collection.shouldContainDuplicates() Asserts that the collection contains at least one duplicate element.
collection.shouldContainExactly() Assert that a collection contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in order.
collection.shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder() Assert that a collection contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in any order.
collection.shouldContainNoNulls() Asserts that the collection contains no null elements, or is empty.
collection.shouldContainNull() Asserts that the collection contains at least one null element.
collection.shouldContainOnlyNulls() Asserts that the collection contains only null elements, or is empty.
collection.shouldHaveSingleElement(element) Asserts that the collection only contains a single element and that that element is the given one.
collection.shouldHaveSize(length) Asserts that the collection is exactly the given length.
collection.shouldHaveLowerBound(element) Asserts that the given element is smaller or equal to every element of the collection. Works only for elements that implement Comparable.
collection.shouldHaveUpperBound(element) Asserts that the given element is larger or equal to every element of the collection. Works only for elements that implement Comparable.
collection.shouldBeSmallerThan(col) Asserts that the collection is smaller than the other collection.
collection.shouldBeLargerThan(col) Asserts that the collection is larger than the other collection.
collection.shouldBeSameSizeAs(col) Asserts that the collection has the same size as the other collection.
collection.shouldHaveAtLeastSize(n) Asserts that the collection has at least size n.
collection.shouldHaveAtMostSize(n) Asserts that the collection has at most size n.
list.shouldBeSorted() Asserts that the list is sorted.
list.shouldContainInOrder(other) Asserts that this list contains the given list in order. Other elements may appear either side of the given list.
list.shouldHaveElementAt(index, element) Asserts that this list contains the given element at the given position.
list.shouldStartWith(lst) Asserts that this list starts with the elements of the given list, in order.
list.shouldEndWith(lst) Asserts that this list ends with the elements of the given list, in order.
value.shouldBeOneOf(collection) Asserts that a specific instance is contained in a collection.
uri.shouldHaveAuthority(fragment) Asserts that the uri has the given authority.
uri.shouldHaveFragment(fragment) Asserts that the uri has the given fragment.
uri.shouldHaveHost(scheme) Asserts that the uri has the given hostname.
uri.shouldHaveParameter(scheme) Asserts that the uri's query string contains the given parameter.
uri.shouldHavePath(scheme) Asserts that the uri has the given path.
uri.shouldHavePort(scheme) Asserts that the uri has the given port.
uri.shouldHaveQuery(fragment) Asserts that the uri has the given query.
uri.shouldHaveScheme(scheme) Asserts that the uri has the given scheme.
file.shouldBeAbsolute() Asserts that the file represents an absolute path.
file.shouldBeADirectory() Asserts that the file denotes a directory.
file.shouldBeAFile() Asserts that the file denotes a file.
file.shouldBeCanonical() Asserts that the file is in canonical format.
file.shouldBeEmpty() Asserts that the file exists but is empty.
file.shouldBeExecutable() Asserts that the file is executable by the current process.
file.shouldBeHidden() Asserts that the file exists on disk and is a hidden file.
file.shouldBeReadable() Asserts that the file is readable by the current process.
file.shouldBeRelative() Asserts that the file represents a relative path.
file.shouldBeSmaller(file) Asserts that this file is smaller than the given file.
file.shouldBeLarger(file) Asserts that this file is larger than the given file.
file.shouldBeWriteable() Asserts that the file is writeable by the current process.
dir.shouldBeNonEmptyDirectory() Asserts that the file is a directory and is non empty.
dir.shouldContainFile(name) Asserts that the file is a directory and that it contains a file with the given name.
dir.shouldContainNFiles(name) Asserts that the file is a directory and that it contains exactly n files.
file.shouldExist() Asserts that the file exists on disk, either a directory or as a file.
file.shouldHaveExtension(ext) Asserts that the file ends with the given extension.
file.shouldHaveFileSize(size) Asserts that the file has the given file size.
file.shouldHaveName(name) Asserts that the file's name matches the given name.
file.shouldHavePath(path) Asserts that the file's path matches the given path.
file.shouldStartWithPath(prefix) Asserts that the file's path starts with the given prefix.
dir.shouldContainFileDeep(name) Assert that file is a directory and that it or any sub directory contains a file with the given name.
dir.shouldContainFiles(name1, name2, ..., nameN) Asserts that the file is a directory and that it contains al files with the given name.
file.shouldBeSymbolicLink() Asserts that the file is a symbolic link.
file.shouldHaveParent(name) Assert that the file has a parent with the given name
date.shouldHaveSameYearAs(otherDate) Asserts that the date has the same year as the given date.
date.shouldHaveSameMonthAs(otherDate) Asserts that the date has the same month as the given date.
date.shouldHaveSameDayAs(otherDate) Asserts that the date has the same day of the month as the given date.
date.shouldBeBefore(otherDate) Asserts that the date is before the given date.
date.shouldBeAfter(otherDate) Asserts that the date is after the given date.
date.shouldBeWithin(period, otherDate) Asserts that the date is within the period of the given date.
date.shouldBeWithin(duration, otherDate) Asserts that the date is within the duration of the given date.
date.shouldBeBetween(firstDate, secondDate) Asserts that the date is between firstdate and seconddate.
date.shouldHaveYear(year) Asserts that the date have correct year.
date.shouldHaveMonth(month) Asserts that the date have correct month.
date.shouldHaveDayOfYear(day) Asserts that the date have correct day of year.
date.shouldHaveDayOfMonth(day) Asserts that the date have correct day of month.
date.shouldHaveDayOfWeek(day) Asserts that the date have correct day of week.
date.shouldHaveHour(hour) Asserts that the date have correct hour.
date.shouldHaveMinute(Minute) Asserts that the date have correct minute.
date.shouldHaveSecond(second) Asserts that the date have correct second.
date.shouldHaveNano(nao) Asserts that the date have correct nano second.
time.shouldHaveSameHoursAs(otherTime) Asserts that the time has the same hours as the given time.
time.shouldHaveSameMinutesAs(otherTime) Asserts that the time has the same minutes as the given time.
time.shouldHaveSameSecondsAs(otherTime) Asserts that the time has the same seconds as the given time.
time.shouldHaveSameNanosAs(otherTime) Asserts that the time has the same nanos as the given time.
time.shouldBeBefore(otherTime) Asserts that the time is before the given time.
time.shouldBeAfter(otherTime) Asserts that the time is after the given time.
time.shouldBeBetween(firstTime, secondTime) Asserts that the time is between firstTime and secondTime.
shouldCompleteWithin(timeout, unit, function) Asserts that the given function completes within the given duration.
shouldTimeout(timeout, unit, function) Asserts that given function does not complete within the given duration.
future.shouldBeCancelled() Asserts that the future has been cancelled.
future.shouldBeCompleted() Asserts that the future has completed.
future.shouldBeCompletedExceptionally() Asserts that the the future has completed with an exception.
thread.shouldBeBlocked() Asserts that the thread is currently blocked.
thread.shouldBeDaemon() Asserts that the thread is a daemon thread.
thread.shouldBeAlive() Asserts that the thread is alive.
thread.shouldBeTerminated() Asserts that the thread has been terminated.
Throwables / Exceptions
throwable.shouldHaveMessage(message) Asserts that the throwable message is the same of the given one.
throwable.shouldHaveCause() Asserts that the throwable have a cause.
throwable.shouldHaveCause { block } Asserts that the throwable have a cause, and pass it as parameter to the block
throwable.shouldHaveCauseInstanceOf<T>() Asserts that the throwable have a cause and it is of type T or a subclass of T.
throwable.shouldHaveCauseOfType<T>() Asserts that the throwable have a cause and it is exactly of type T.
result.shouldBeSuccess() Asserts that the result is success
result.shouldBeSuccess(value) Asserts that the result is a success and the value is the same of the given one.
result.shouldBeSuccess(block) Asserts that the result is success and then, runs the block with the result value.
result.shouldBeFailure() Asserts that the result is failure
result.shouldBeFailureOfType<Type : Throwable>() Asserts that the result is a failure and the exception class is equals the same of the given one.
result.shouldBeFailure(block) Asserts that the result is failure and then, runs the block with the exception.
kclass.shouldHaveAnnotations() Asserts that the class has some annotation
kclass.shouldHaveAnnotations(n) Asserts that the class has exactly N annotation
kclass.shouldBeAnnotatedWith<T>() Asserts that the class is annotated with the given type
kclass.shouldBeAnnotatedWith<T> { block } Asserts that the class is annotated with the given type, and then, runs the block with the annotation
kclass.shouldHaveFunction(name) Asserts that the class have a function with the given name
kclass.shouldHaveFunction(name) { block } Asserts that the class have a function with the given name, and then, runs the block with the function
kclass.shouldHaveMemberProperty(name) Asserts that the class have a member property with the given name
kclass.shouldHaveMemberProperty(name) { block } Asserts that the class have a member property with the given name, and then, runs the block with the function
kclass.shouldBeSubtypeOf<T>() Asserts that the class is a subtype of T
kclass.shouldBeSupertypeOf<T>() Asserts that the class is a supertype of T
kclass.shouldBeData() Asserts that the class is a data class
kclass.shouldBeSealed() Asserts that the class is a sealed class
kclass.shouldBeCompanion() Asserts that the class is a companion object
kclass.shouldHavePrimaryConstructor() Asserts that the class has a primary constructor
kclass.shouldHaveVisibility(visibility) Asserts that the class has the given visibility
kfunction.shouldHaveAnnotations() Asserts that the function has some annotation
kfunction.shouldHaveAnnotations(n) Asserts that the function has exactly N annotation
kfunction.shouldBeAnnotatedWith<T>() Asserts that the function is annotated with the given type
kfunction.shouldBeAnnotatedWith<T> { block } Asserts that the function is annotated with the given type, and then, runs the block with the annotation
kfunction.shouldHaveReturnType<T>() Asserts that the function returns the given type
kfunction.shouldBeInline() Asserts that the function is inline
kfunction.shouldBeInfix() Asserts that the function is infix
kproperty.shouldBeOfType<T>() Asserts that the property is of the given type
kproperty.shouldBeConst() Asserts that the property is a const
kproperty.shouldBeLateInit() Asserts that the property is a late init var
kcallable.shouldHaveVisibility(visibility) Asserts that the member have the given visibility
kcallable.shouldBeFinal() Asserts that the member is final
kcallable.shouldBeOpen() Asserts that the member is open
kcallable.shouldBeAbstract() Asserts that the member is abstract
kcallable.shouldBeSuspendable() Asserts that the member is suspendable
kcallable.shouldAcceptParameters(parameters) Asserts that the member can be called with the parameters (check the types)
kcallable.shouldAcceptParameters(parameters) { block } Asserts that the member can be called with the parameters (check the types), and then, runs the block with the annotation
kcallable.shouldHaveParametersWithName(parameters) Asserts that the member has the parameters with the given name
kcallable.shouldHaveParametersWithName(parameters) { block } Asserts that the member has the parameters with the given name, and then, runs the block with the annotation
ktype.shouldBeOfType<T>() Asserts that the KType has the type T