a customized skyscanner for north-east asia flight tickets
use Python for crawling data, then use Tableau for data visualization
- python 3.8.8
- pandas 1.3.3
- requests 2.26.0
【Update sessionId】
- go to Tiger Airline and search a flight, for example
- inpect the webpage and reload
- find the sessionId
- update the sessionId in the ./config/payload.json
【Update airline ticket data】
cd Customized_Skyscanner
python main.py
【Tableau presentation】
- use Tableau Public to access this dashboard https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/xin.huang3860/viz/TigerAirlineTicketbyxinhuangtien/Tiger#1
- more detailed information
- more airline (Peach, Jetstar and Scoot)
- fix the data preprocessing hitch in optimal.py
- switch visualization dashboard from Tableau to Streamlit or customized frontend
Any advise for common problems or issues.
Email: tom.h.huang@fubon.com
Tel: 02-2771-6699 #61381
Dept: 證券 數據科學部 資料服務處(6F)
Contributors names and contact info
- 0.1
- Initial Release
some references and third-party tools