Plugin that contains basic commands and features for a Minecraft server.
Supports Vault and PlaceholderAPI.
Commands categories
/gmc /gms /gmsp /gmc
/gamemode|gm <gamemode> [player]
/invsee <player>
/workbench /craft /wb
/enchanttable /et
/enderchest /ec
/feed /heal /fly /speed
/whois /ping
/msg <player> <message>
/r <message>
/day /night /sun /rain /thunder
- Supporting PAPI placeholders in all messages (in lang.yml)
- Customizable join/quit messages and chat format
- Command blacklist
- Spawn on join, gamemode on join
- Customizable world flags like: disable fall damage, block break etc..
- Customizable tablist
- Customizable scoreboard
- Tpa, tpahere, tpaccept, tpdeny
- Warps, homes