In Chapter 3 - Teamwork and Collaborative Development we learn how to collaborate using pull-requests. Use this file to review your first changes.
To get started create a fork of this repository by clicking
in the top right corner. This creates a copy of the repository in your profile. Then navigate again to this file and lick the edit icon 🖊️ above the file content. -
Delete the following line:
Delete this line
Add one or two lines here with a random text:
Modify the following line by removing the letters that do not belong:
---> The ccow jumpedd ovverr thhe mooon
Commit your changes into a new branch:
In the next screen create the pull request by completing the title and description. Note the complete markdown support that we've seen in Chapter 2 for issues:
Make sure that the pull request uses base:main and not the upstream repository. This should be correct by default.
Got to
Files changed
and note the changes (deleted lines red, added lines green). Add a comment to a line by clicking the+
at the beginning of the line when hovering with the mouse over it. Add a comment to line nine and clickAdd single comment
. -
Edit the file opening the menu in the top right corner and selecting
Edit file
.Add a new line of text to line 9 and commit directly to the branch you created earlier.
Navigate back to the pull request and note that you can review the file with all changes (
Files changed
) or individualCommits
. You can comment in both views.