We're coming for your brains... but since we're vegan, we won't actually eat them.
If you'd like to be a zombie too, please contact Loki at lokkju@gmail.com for more information. We have 4 more slots currently.
Also known as Nick Jacobsen (though no one calls him that), Loki is a long time enterprise software developer who has been working in the onotological knowledge field for the past few years. Recently, he has switched to working on providing value-added analytics for RTB decision systems.
He's also a photographer, hacker, and the founder of Portland's BrainSilo hackerspace.
Currently, our skill set covers most backend systems. We're looking to add front end developers, and potentially full-stack or additional back-end talent.
We want to tackle EULAs and clickwrap agreements at both the software and service levels.