The missing link between BitBucket and Hangouts Chat.
This bot is able to give you info about BitBucket PR on a Google Hangouts Chat room.
This tool rely on NodeJS with a MongoDB backend. You also need to create a google project to auth your bot on Hangout Chat, and a BitBucket auth. Here is how to do this.
Follow google-hangouts-chat publish procedure here
In the configuration you need to provide:
- Bot name Will be the visible name of the bot (Bitbucket for example)
- Avatar URL Will be the icon of the bot (must be an URL)
- Description Will be the description of the bot visible to end users
- Bot URL The endpoint of the bot for hangout. Need to be
(during developement phase you can use service like Serveo to map your local computer) - Verification token Will be a random string to check that the query is coming from Google
Then you have to keep somewhere the json file generated AND the verification token. It will be used later.
You must declare your bot as a 'OAuth consumer' to allow it oauth on behalf of third part users. It is described here.
- In Bitbucket, go to 'View profile' then 'Settings' then 'OAuth'
- Click on 'Add Consumer'
- Name Name of your consumer (Google Hangouts Chat for example)
- Description A description
- Callback URL Must be
(Serveo can be used here too) - Provide optional urls if you want
- Keep the consumer public (don't check 'This is a private consumer')
- In Permissions check:
- Account: Email
- Account: Read
- Pull requests: Read
- Repositories: Read
- Repositories: Admin
- Webhooks: Read and write
- Save it
Then you will have access to the Key
and the Secret
of your consumer.
It will be used later.
Create a .env file (it will be read by bot.js
) that will contain all
environement variables. You can use .env.default
as exemple:
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/bitbucket-chat-bot-testing.json (must point to the json file)
GOOGLE_VERIFICATION_TOKEN=google-verification-token (set in google api)
BB_OAUTH_KEY=bitbucket-oauth-consumer-key (from bitbucket consumer)
BB_OAUTH_SECRET=bitbucket-oauth-consumer-secret (from bitbucket consumer)
The environment variable MONGO_URL
must contain a valid mongo DB url. If the
variable is not set then it is set by default to mongodb://localhost/bb
you must have mongo installed on your local computer). You can get a MongoDB
hosted here for example.
npm install
npm start
I really recommand to use serveo to allow bitbucket and hangout to be able to communicate with your local computer during developement. It will expose your local server on the internet temporally. Just run in a command prompt:
ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -R 80:localhost:3000
And your local 3000 port will be exposed on a subdomain of serveo in HTTPS.
If you want to reuse always the same subdomain just do:
ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -R mysubdomain:80:localhost:8888
Then you can just provide
as your hostname
google configuration, bitbucket configuration and bot configuration.
npm test
Once started locally you can launch queries to simulate bitbucket interactions. Here using httpie:
# New pull request
http :3000/bitbucket/hook space==spaces%2F4LWz7AAAAAE x-event-key:pullrequest:created @test/data/created.json
# New comment on pull request
http :3000/bitbucket/hook space==spaces%2F4LWz7AAAAAE x-event-key:pullrequest:comment_created @test/data/comment.json
Here is how to deploy on Dokku like systems:
git remote add dokku dokku@dokkuhost:appname
git push dokku
The environment variable $CREDS
must contains the google credentials for sending
messages to Hangouts Chat. Tip from here. (Dokku can't read the json file directly)
You need to provide all env variable to the dokku application like that:
# setup letencrypt for https access
dokku config:set --no-restart appname DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=myemail
dokku letsencrypt appname
# setup mongo (it create the MONGO_URL automatically)
sudo dokku plugin:install mongo
dokku mongo:create mongo-bitbucket
dokku mongo:link mongo-bitbucket appname
# add google credentials (content of json file)
dokku config:set appname CREDS='{
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "your-project-id",
"private_key_id": "your-private-key-id",
"private_key": "your-private-key",
"client_email": "your-client-email",
"client_id": "your-client-id",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": "your-cert-url"
# add google verif token
dokku config:set appname GOOGLE_VERIFICATION_TOKEN='your-verification-token'
# add bitbucket credentials
dokku config:set appname BB_OAUTH_KEY='oauth-key'
dokku config:set appname BB_OAUTH_SECRET='oauth-secret'
# add hostname
dokku config:set appname HOSTNAME='https://hostname'
Speak to the bot:
As of today you can:
- login to BB
- connect to a existing repository
- list repos connected to current channel
- show the help message !
Here is the description of each endpoint in the application.
: This endpoint is managed by thebotkit
framework. It is set in the Google Hangout Chat configuration. Hangout will speak to the bot via this endpoint./bitbucket/hook
: This endpoint is used by the BitBucket webhook system. When the bot is connected to a repo, it create a webhook with this endpoint in the repo configuration. There is always thespace
parameter specified that is the id of the room where the repo is connected (will bespaces/room_id
: This endpoint is used during the BitBucket user authentication. It allow to login and store the user token for later usage.