- Updated Scripting Language
The scripting language has been updated to:
- give error messages instead of failing to compile or partially compiling
- give you a summary of your code when compiled
- allow better and cleaner syntax
- Gives you a list of variables and where (or why) they are defined
- Lists whenever a variable is assigned or referenced, useful for ensuring you are using the variables you actually intended to use
- macros and macro functions
- can be used to write repetitive code faster
- function macros are basically just functions that can't have code updated live (normal functions can be modified by code)
- shorthand functions
- common functions can be written easier. ie:
- common functions can be written easier. ie:
- string joining
- written as
indicates to join strings::
indicates the seperator (defaults to space)
- written as
- list/dict accessing
- written as
(index starts at 0)
- written as
- error messages
- compiling code with syntax errors will now tell you what/where an error is (error position may be wrong if it is expecting a closing parenthesis/bracket/brace)