This file is used to list changes made in each version of dvwa.
- Update default DVWA version to master (no recent release)
- Remove PostgreSQL support, this DBMS is not fully supported by DVWA
- Remove postgresql cookbook dependency (no longer supported)
- Remove database cookbook dependency (deprecated)
- Remove mysql cookbook dependency (replaced by mariadb)
- Remove mysql2_chef_gem cookbook dependency
- Add mariadb cookbook dependency
- Remove support for Ubuntu 14.04 (cannot authenticate mariadb/mysql packages)
- Add support for Ubuntu 16.04 & 18.04
- Add support for Debian 9 & 10
- Update for latest php & apache2 cookbooks
- Fix CI
- Chef 13 compatibility
- Support Ubuntu 14.04
- Install mysql2 gem package with
- Chef 12 compatibility
- Use Rake instead of Strainer
- Test hardness (rubocop, chefspec)
- Changed license for Apache 2.0
- Integration testing with serverspec and test-kitchen
- Remove and ignore tracked files *.lock
- Readme improvements
- Running tests with strainer
- Added travis continuous integration
- Tests refactoring
- Initial release of dvwa