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File metadata and controls

371 lines (251 loc) · 13.5 KB

Specification for holidays.yaml

Version: 0.1.0

This document describes the data contained within the files holidays.yaml and names.yaml.

Table of Contents

structure of names.yaml

names.yaml contains translations of commonly used rules or days. These are referenced using the _name: key from within holidays.yaml.

The basic structure looks as follows:

    <lang_1>: {String} # name in language 1
    <lang_2>: {String} # name in langzage 2
  • The <identifier> can be referenced using _name:.
  • <lang_?> represents the ISO 639-1 language code for the assigned language.

structure of holidays.yaml

holidays.yaml contains the holiday data for all supported countries, states, regions

The basic structure look as follows:

version: <versionNumber>

  <country_code_1>:     # IANA country code
    name: {String}      # name of country in local language
    dayoff: {String}    # name of weekday which is a default day off (friday|saturday|sunday|...)
    days:               # see days structure
    states:             # (optional) specify special holidays per state
      <state_code_1>:   # short code of state
        name: {String}  # name of state in local language of country
        days:           # see days structure
        regions:        # (optional) specify special holidays per region
          <region_code_1>:  # short code of region
            name: {String}  # name of region in local language
            days:       # see days structure
    regions:            # (optional) specify special holidays per region (for small countries without states)
      <region_code_1>:  # short code of region
        name: {String}  # name of region in local language
        days:           # see days structure
  <country_code_2>:     # next country ...
  • <country_code_?> is the IANA code of the country
  • <state_code_?> is a short code representing the state (any ascii based string)
  • <region_code_?> is a short code representing the region (any ascii based string)

To specify the rules to calculate the holidays per country, state, region is as follows:

  langs:              # (mandatory for country) list of language codes (ISO 639-1)
    - <lang_1>        # spoken in country, state, region
    - <lang_2>
  zones:              # (mandatory for country) list of timezone(s)
    - <timezone_1>
    - <timezone_2>
  _days:              # (optional) reference days of other country, state, region
    - <country_code_x>
    - states
    - <state_code_x>
    <rule_1>:         # see grammar
        <lang_1>: {String} # name of day in language 1
        <lang_2>: {String} # name of day in language 2
      type: {String}       # type of holiday (public|bank|school|optional|observance)
      note: {String}       # (optional) note
      substitute: true     # (optional) if set to true then '(substitute day)' gets appended to name
      disable:             # (optional) disables a date
        - '<YYYY-MM-DD>'   # list of date stings in quotes declaring the dates to disable the rule
      enable:              # (optional) enables the days, such moving it to the given date. Only use with `disable`
        - '<YYYY-MM-DD>'   # list of date stings in quotes declaring the dates to enable the disabled rule
      _name: <ref>    # reference of name translated within `names.yaml` file
  • <county/state/region> is the shortcode to identify country, state or region
  • <lang_?> represents the ISO 639-1 language code for the assigned language.
  • <timezone_?> is a string representing the timezone. See file data/meta/latest.json of moment-timezone
  • <rule_?> is the rule for that holiday

Grammar for day rules

Fixed Date

A fixed day in a year is attributed with MM-DD in ISO notation.

A fix day for a given year is attributed with YYYY-MM-DD.


  • 01-01 is January first
  • 12-11 is December 11th
  • '2015-10-09' is October 9th of 2015 (Enclose such date in quotes as otherwise it will be expanded to an ISO date by js-yaml)

Movable Date

Easter Dates

Easter and Orthodox Easter (using Julian Calendar) are supported as movable dates.

Rule: (easter|orthodox) (+|-)?<number-of-days>


  • easter is Easter sunday
  • easter -2 is 2 days before Easter Sunday (Good Friday)
  • easter 49 is 49 days after Easter Sunday (Pentecost)
  • orthodox is Easter sunday using the julian Calendar
  • orthodox -2 is 2 days before Easter Sunday (Good Friday) using the julian calendar
  • orthodox 49 is 49 days after Easter Sunday (Pentecost) using the julian calendar

Hijra Dates

Note: Islamic days start at sunset which depends on latitude/ longitude. To avoid such calculations, the approximation of using 18:00 as hour of sunset is made.

Dates in the islamic calendar can be attributed using the following rule:

Rule: <day-of-month> (Muharram|Safar|Rabi al-awwal|Rabi al-thani|Jumada al-awwal|Jumada al-thani|Rajab|Shaban|Ramadan|Shawwal|Dhu al-Qidah|Dhu al-Hijjah)


  • 3 Shawwal is 3rd day in month Shawwal

Dates in Hebrew calendar

Note: Days in the Hebrew calendar start at sunset which depends on latitude/ longitude. To avoid such calculations, the approximation of using 18:00 as hour of sunset is made.

Dates in the islamic calendar can be attributed using the following rule:

Rule: <day-of-month> (Nisan|Iyyar|Sivan|Tamuz|Av|Elul|Tishrei|Cheshvan|Kislev|Tevet|Shvat|Adar)


  • 15 Nisan is 15th day in month Nisan

Equinox, Solstice

To calculate a date from Spring, Autumn Equinox or Summer, Winter Solstice the following rule can be used:

Rule: (<number-of-days>|<count>? <weekday>) (after|before) (spring|autumn) equinox (in <timezone>)?

Rule: (<number-of-days> (d|days)?|<count>? <weekday>) (after|before) (summer|winter) solstice (in <timezone>)?

If in <timezone> is missing then GMT is assumed.


  • winter solstice is winter solstice in timezone GMT
  • 5 days before autumn equinox is 5 days before autumn equinox using GMT timezone
  • spring equinox in Asia/Tokyo is spring equinox in the timezone "Asia/Tokyo"
  • 3rd sunday after summer solstice in Asia/Tokyo is 3rd sunday after summer solstice in the timezone "Asia/Tokyo"

Different start-time for Fixed Date other than midnight

A holiday might start in the afternoon of a given day HH:MM

Rule: append HH:MM


  • 12-31 14:00 holiday starts at 14h on December 31st

Different duration other than 24 hours

A holiday might start in the afternoon of a given day HH:MM

Rule: append +<number>(d|h|day|hour|days|hours)


  • 12-31 14:00 +5h holiday starts at 14h on December 31st and ends at 21h
  • easter +14h holiday starts on midnight Easter Sonday and ends at 14h

Start-time of holiday changes per weekday

A holiday might start in the afternoon of a given day HH:MM but on a different time for another weekday.

Rule: MM-DD HH:MM if weekday then HH:MM


  • 12-31 14:00 if sunday then 00:00 holiday starts at 14h on December 31st but if December 31st falls on a sunday start date will be 00:00

Changes to different weekday from a given fixed Date

A holiday may change to a weekday starting from a given fixed Date.

Rule: count weekday after|before MM-DD

"after" means the same day and after

"before" means all days before but not the same day


  • monday after 02-01 is the monday after February 1st or February 1st if this day is a monday
  • monday before 02-01 is the monday before February 1st but can never be February 1st
  • 2nd sunday after 05-01 is the 2nd sunday in May
  • 4th thursday after 11-01 is the 4th thursday in November
  • sunday before 10-01 is the last sunday in September

Change to a different weekday from a changed fixed Date

Rule: <weekday> (after|before) <count> <weekday> (after|before) MM-DD


  • friday after 4th thursday after 11-01 is the friday after the 4th thurday in November
  • saturday before 2nd sunday after 05-01 is the saturday before the 2nd sunday in May

Change to different weekday if date falls on a certain weekday

Rule: MM-DD if <weekday> then (next|previous) <weekday>


  • 03-02 if sunday then next monday if March 2nd is on a sunday then holiday will be on next monday
  • 04-13 if friday then previous monday if Apri 13th is on a friday then holiday falls to previous monday

Substitute a holiday if date falls on a certain weekday

Rule: substitute MM-DD if <weekday> then (next|previous) <weekday>

If substitute: true is given then the translated string from names.yaml/names/substitutes will be appended to the name. E.g. "Christmas" becomes "Christmas (substitute day)"


  • substitute 03-02 if sunday then next monday if March 2nd is on a sunday then holiday will be on next monday
  • substitute 04-13 if friday then previous monday if Apri 13th is on a friday then holiday falls to previous monday

Observe the holiday as well as on a substitute day, if date falls on a certain weekday

Rule: MM-DD and if <weekday> then (next|previous) <weekday>

This line generates two holidays. One for MM-DD plus the observed substitute day following the rule.

If substitute: true is given then the translated string from names.yaml/names/substitutes will be appended to the name. E.g. "Christmas" becomes "Christmas (substitute day)"


  • 03-02 and if sunday then next monday if March 2nd is on a sunday then holiday will be on next monday
  • 04-13 and if friday then previous monday if Apri 13th is on a friday then holiday falls to previous monday

Enable Date only for odd/ even numbered years

Rule: MM-DD in (even|odd|leap|non-leap) years


  • 03-02 in even years if year is even numbered (e.g. 2012) then March 2nd will be a holiday
  • 04-03 in odd years if year is odd numbered (e.g. 2011) then April 3rd will be a holiday
  • 05-04 in leap years if year is a leap year (e.g. 2012) then May 4th will be a holiday
  • 06-05 in non-leap years if year is not a leap year (e.g. 2011) then June 5th will be a holiday

Enable Date only for certain periods of years

Rule: MM-DD every <count> years since <year>


  • 12-01 every 6 years since 1980 if year is within a 6 years period from 1980 on December 1st will be a holiday (e.g. for 1986, 1992, 1998, ...)

Holiday based on other holidays (bridge days)

Rule: <date> if MM-DD (and MM-DD)? is (<type>)? holiday


  • 09-22 if 09-21 is holiday is September 22nd is public holiday only if September 21st is also a holiday
  • 09-22 if 09-21 and 09-23 is public holiday is September 22nd is public holiday only if September 21st and September 23rd are public holidays

Disabling a rule

On any rule it is possible to disable it for a given date. For every year an entry can be applied to the list.

E.g. in case that the 4th Monday in November is the 2015-11-23 then the day will not be an holiday.

  4th monday after 11-01:
      - '2015-11-23'
      en: Day of National Sovereignty

Moving a date

In order to move a date for a rule use disable together with enable

E.g. in case that the 4th Monday in November is the 2015-11-23 then the day gets moved to 2015-11-27.

  4th monday after 11-01:
      - '2015-11-23'
      - '2015-11-27'
      en: Day of National Sovereignty

Generation of holidays.json

To generate the file holidays.json which is used by the module run:

npm run yaml

This concatenates the two files holidays.yaml and names.yaml and generates the JSON file.


End of file