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Gatsby Starter Pizza


Starter designed for delivery business

Demo More themes


gatsby new project-name

Or manually:

  1. Download
  2. Unzip
  3. Install deps:
npm i


  • Built-in cart with cache
  • Order form with GetForm integration
  • Cart animation

Items edit

All pizzas located in content folder, you can edit it as mdx files. Currently used only info from frontmatter

Styles customization

This starter using tailwind css inside of styled components powered by Emotion. This was made possible by twin.macro


import tw from 'twin.macro';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';

const Date = styled.div`
    uppercase px-6 font-body
  color: ${(p) => p.theme.colors.light};

export default Date;

inside ${tw``} you define tailwind styles, and outside you can use ordinary styled components style, including ThemeUI pre-defined colors.

For tailwind classes customization, use tailwind.config.js* in root of your project. Refer to official tailwind docs. Don't forget to import gatsby-theme-california tailwind config.

*changes of this file my require reload of gatsby development server(due to current twin.macro limitations)

Colors and fonts customization

All colors and fonts are defined in "tailwind.config.js" in root of this starter. To add Google Fonts, go to gatsby-config.js, find "gatsby-plugin-prefetch-google-fonts" section and edit it.

API's integration

In order to work with GetForm you need to register there and get your personal API keys. Then, add them to your .env.development :



When removing or changing item's name, ensure that you manually removed "cart" item from localStorage


  • separate pages for each item with complete description and more photos
  • integration with e.g. Firebase
  • auth with personal account page
  • order history
  • more animations
  • headless CMS integration