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PiLogger: Simple Logger for NodeJS


Because out of all of the existing modules, I couldn't find one that does what I needed and doesn't carry large number of unnecessary dependencies. There are far more complex loggers available, but sometimes all you need is simplicity with specific feature-set.
This module is written in pure ES6 with minimal dependencies.


  • Extremely lightweight
  • Color coding of different log levels for console output
  • Support for console and file logging
  • Prefix messages with timestamp
  • Maintening configurable ring buffer of past messages
  • Automatic expansion of object parameters
  • Automatic concating of multiple parameters
  • All logging functions are asynchronous for non-blocking operations


Configuration is optional.
If not configured, logging will be to console only and with default format
Configuring inspect options controls how object output is handled

const log = require('pilogger');
const options = {
  options.dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
  ringLength: 100,
  logFile: './application.log',
  accessFile: './accesss.log',
  clientFile: './client.log',
  inspect: {
    showHidden: true,
    depth: 5,
    colors: true,
    showProxy: true,
    maxArrayLength: 1024,
    maxStringLength: 10240,
    breakLength: 200,
    compact: 64,
    sorted: false,
    getters: true,


Messages that are printed to console only, useful for debugging


Messages that are mirrored to console and logFile (if set), each one prefixed and color coded


Example output (note that markdown rules strip colored output):

  2020-08-08 10:36:55 INFO:  piscan version 0.0.1
  2020-08-08 10:36:55 INFO:  User: root Platform: linux Arch: x64 Node: v14.4.0
  2020-08-08 10:36:55 STATE: Running as root with full capabilities
  2020-08-08 10:37:08 DATA:  host: pi ip: time: 12,210
  2020-08-08 10:37:10 DATA:  mac: DC:A6:32:1B:74:D5 vendor: Raspberry Pi os: Linux 5.4
  2020-08-08 10:37:12 DATA:  ports: 22,139,445,514,873

Messages that are mirrored to console and logFile (if set), each one prefixed and color coded and with time measurement

  const t0 = process.hrtime.bigint();
  // do your stuff here
  log.timed(t0, ...msg);

Example output:

  2020-08-08 10:39:59 TIMED:  1,004 ms Test function execution

Messages that are output to accessFile (if set) only
Useful for detailed application access log that you don't want printed to console


Messages that are output to clientFile (if set) only
Useful for logging of any other messages that you don't want printed to console


Access to history ring buffer.
obj.time is message timestamp, obj.tag is message type (info, state, data, warn, error), obj.msg is parsed & concatened message string

  for (const line in log.ring) {
    console.log(log.ring[line].time, log.ring[line].tag), log.ring[line].msg);