To install first clone the repo using: git clone $HOME/.dot_cfg
Then, run git --git-dir=/home/$USER/.dot_cfg/.git --work-tree=$HOME checkout -f
Once the checkout is run, create a new session to see the newly applied settings in action.
In order to check the status of the repository, run dotfile_config
and use any git
commands you should need.
For example, if you wanted to see the status of the dotfile repo, run
dotfile_config status --untracked-files=no
to see what files have changed in
the repo (the -u no
flag makes it so you don’t see untracked files
that are not in the repo).
If you wanted to add a file to the repo just run dotfile_config add <file>
like you would in any other repo and commit away.
Instructions for configuring Tmux are found in the .tmux.conf file.