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The need for large, labeled datasets has motivated methods to pre-train latent representations of the input space using unlabeled data and use the now knowledge-rich representations in downstream tasks. As the representations allow for knowledge transfer to downstream tasks, these tasks require less labeled data. For example, language models can be pre-trained to predict the next token in a textual input to learn representations of words or sub-tokens. These word representations are then used in downstream models such as sentiment classification. This paradigm, called "self-supervision", has revolutionized how we train (and pre-train) models. Importantly, these self-supervised pre-trained models learn without manual labels or hand curated features. This reduces the engineer effort to create and maintain features and makes models significantly easier to deploy and maintain. This shift has allowed for more data to be fed to the model and shifted the focus to understanding what data to use.

Representations and Knowledge Transfer

Self-supervised models train representations, or embeddings, to encode latent structural information about the input. For example, language models like BERT and GPT-2 learn an embedding per sub-token in a sentence. These sub-token embeddings encode knowledge about what the token is and how it interacts with other tokens in the sentence.

How you "tokenize" your input into different atomic units and how you train an embedding changes what kind of knowledge and how the knowledge is represented.

  • Graph based approaches, such as TransE, represent entities (people, place, and things) and are trained to preserve link structure in a Knowledge Base.
  • Hyperbolic embeddings takes graph-structured embeddings one step further and learns embeddings in hyperbolic space. This blog gives a great introduction.
  • Common word embedding techniques, like word2vec, train embeddings for each word in a fixed vocabulary to predict surrounding words given a single word, preserving word co-occurrence patterns. This chapter from Speech and Language Processing gives a nice overview of word embeddings.
  • Contextual word embeddings, like ELMo, split words into sub-tokens and generate embeddings for each sub-token that depend on the surrounding context thereby allowing, for example, homonyms to get different representations.
  • While self-supervised representations were more common for language and graph based tasks, recent work of Selfie learns embeddings for image patches, sub-spaces of the image, to be trained using Transformer architecture.

As self-supervised embeddings are trained in a general-purpose manner, they are used as core inputs into downstream tasks to be fine-tuned. Critically, as these embeddings transfer general knowledge, the downstream tasks need less labeled data.

Learning with Structured Knowledge

In a self-supervised regime, large, unlabeled datasets make it difficult for engineers to inject domain specific knowledge into the model. One approach to have this fine-grained control over a model, while keeping the model as simple as possible, is to inject (latent) metadata into the model. For example, works like TEK inject entity descriptions for improved reading comprehension and QA.

The real benefit from knowledge injection is over the long tail of rare things (named entities, products, words, ...) that are uncommon or non-existent in training data yet appear when a model is deployed. Models often struggle to resolve these rare things as the diversity of signals required to understand them is not represented in training data. One approach is to rely on structural information, such as the types associated with an entity.

  • The Bootleg system leverages structured data in the form of type and knowledge graph relations to improve Named Entity Disambiguation over 40 F1 points for rare entities.
  • This zero-shot NED system uses entity descriptions to improve rare entity linking performance.
  • The word sense disambiguation model by Belvins and Zettlemoyer use word glosses to improve performance for rare words.

Contrastive Learning

Over the past few years, contrastive learning has emerged as an increasingly popular method for representation learning without relying on labels. The key idea behind contrastive learning is that the loss function pulls together similar points ("positives") and pushes apart dissimilar points ("negatives"). Combined with the right data augmentations, these loss functions have begun to close the gap between self-supervised and supervised learning.

Foundations. Contrastive learning has a rich intellectual history, with deep foundations in metric learning. Check out these foundational works to get an idea of how ideas about contrastive learning have been developing over the years:

  • Triplet loss is so well-known that it has its own Wikipedia page! Here's just one example of triplet losses being used with Siamese nets in an early predecessor to modern contrastive learning. FaceNet is also an early success story of triplet losses being used for representation learning.
  • The InfoNCE formulation of contrastive loss was extremely influential. Many popular contrastive losses today use (or are derived from) the InfoNCE loss.

Visual Representation Learning. Self-supervised contrastive learning has become especially popular for learning representations of visual data in particular, with recent approaches beginning to close the gap with supervised learning approaches.

  • SimCLR is a seminal approach to self-supervised contrastive learning. In SimCLR, positive pairs are created by randomly augmenting the same image in two different ways (e.g., a random crop of a dog's head and its tail). The loss function pulls the representations of these two augmentations together, while pushing the representations apart from the other points in the batch. The SimCLR blog post has a great visual demonstration.
  • The MoCo paper introduces an important technique that has seen wide adoption in contrastive learning. Memory banks have played a pivotal role in making contrastive learning work (you can effectively increase the batch size), but they suffer from having outdated representations. MoCo helps out by "slowing down" how quickly the representations change.
  • SwAV learns representations by contrasting cluster assignments. Images in a batch are clustered, and the network must learn to assign augmented versions of each image to the same cluster. Facebook later demonstrated SwAV's scalability by training on a billion images in SEER.
  • Barlow Twins are not classically contrastive, but they use similar ideas. Watch this space closely!

Theoretical Underpinnings. As contrastive learning has blown up, theoreticians have increasingly started to dig in to the theoretical foundations of contrastive learning. What exactly are these loss functions doing to the representations, and how can we use our understanding to do better?

Beyond Self-Supervised Visual Representations. Contrastive learning enjoys life beyond self-supervised learning of visual representations. Here are just two works to keep an eye on that show some of the ways that contrastive learning can be used in supervised settings, or with non-vision applications.

  • Supervised Contrastive Learning looks at how to adapt the SimCLR loss to the supervised setting. Remarkably, their findings suggest that contrastive loss functions may be flat out superior to the cross entropy losses that have become commonplace in ML!
  • Supervised Contrastive Learning for Pre-trained Language Model Fine-tuning brings contrastive learning to the NLP setting. We've started to see the commodification of architectures across modalities; maybe this is a sign that we'll also see the commodification of training techniques across modalities as well!

Success Stories

  • Self-supervised langauge models like BERT are being used in Google search

  • Recommender pipelines like those at Pinterest's, Spotify, and Netflix all use pretrained product or customer embeddings to improve downstream recommendations.