Releases: vibaotram/baseDmux
Releases · vibaotram/baseDmux
Version 1.1.1
- updated documentation
- implemented an automatic download of latest singularity containers (guppy 6.3.7) with https URL of files on Drive IRD
- read id list for splitting fast5 files into genome bins is now created with the R script that handles creating genome specific fastq files. Hopefully, this solve occasional problems with fast5_subset from the ont api that failled because of supposedly too long read names. Will ultimately use the ONT POD5 format and tools.
- python scripts interface clarified between slurm and cluster. Documentation indicates that only local and slurm modes will be kept for configure
- created after merge of XoCo branch #5
scratch version
Running on snakemake interface
- Guppy 4.0.14 GPU and 3.6.0 CPU version
- Deepbinner 0.2.0
- MinIONQC 1.4.1
- Multiqc 1.8
- Porechop 0.2.4
- Filtlong 0.2.0