Releases: vexyl/MCHawk
MCHawk v0.1.2
Minor bug fixes
If you want to add a new group, edit groups.txt.
Format of groups.txt:
<action>:<object>:[color:]<comma-separated list>
Example of groups.txt:
When the user "Soandso" joins he will be in the groups moderator and builder. Moderator is the main group because it came first in the user's group list, so the name will show up as yellow in chat (color code &e)
The username must be lowercase in the groups file. There are currently no commands to edit this in-game, but /group reload will will reload the groups.txt file and grant players their group permissions if necessary.
MCHawk v0.1.1
This release is mostly bug fixes and minor improvements.
Added /whois command.
Added temporary world permissions.
If you want to add a new group, edit groups.txt.
Format of groups.txt:
<action>:<object>:[color:]<comma-separated list>
Example of groups.txt:
When the user "Soandso" joins he will be in the groups moderator and builder. Moderator is the main group because it came first in the user's group list, so the name will show up as yellow in chat (color code &e)
The username must be lowercase in the groups file. There are currently no commands to edit this in-game, but /group reload will will reload the groups.txt file and grant players their group permissions if necessary.
First release
Seems stable enough. Still need to port the rest of the C++ commands to Lua. It's missing a lot of features expected from server software like MCGalaxy and fCraft.
If you want to add a new group, edit groups.txt.
Format of groups.txt:
<action>:<object>:[color:]<comma-separated list>
Example of groups.txt:
When the user "vexyl" joins he will be in the groups moderator and builder. Moderator is the main group because it came first in the user's group list, so the name will show up as yellow in chat (color code &e)
The username must be lowercase. There are currently no commands to edit this in-game, but /group reload will will reload the groups.txt file (however, users will have to relog if the change affects them; sometimes a restart is required)