This detailed factory environment, sometimes known as the "Adam Factory" after the student who put it together, @adamc17, is rich for use in an immersive environment.
- This script can be used with VR JuggLua NavTestbed to simply load the environment for exploration.
- This script can be run within SPARTA to have this environment replace the existing SPARTA environment.
- This script performs all of the hard work: it loads the models, places them in transforms, etc. It returns the root node of the fully assembled factory.
- An animation script that seems to not be currently used, but is run within
- An animation script that seems to not be currently used, but is run within
- This script sets up appealing lighting for the environment.
To the best of my (Ryan Pavlik @rpavlik) knowledge as of October 2012, all models with the exception of basicfactory.ive
are from the Trimble (formerly Google) SketchUp 3D Warehouse.
was created by Ryan Pavlik at Iowa State University's Virtual Reality Applications Center.