├── README.md
├── code
│ ├── analysis
│ ├── fits
│ ├── models
│ └── scripts
├── data
│ ├── all_ud_tr.conllu
│ ├── exp_data.rds
│ ├── exp_form.rds
│ └── frequencies_exp1_and_lago.xlsx
├── dataraw
│ ├── experiment
│ └── lagoetal
└── full_analysis.R
- To run all code, open full_analysis.R file and run everything inside. It may take some time due to 2 Bayesian GLM Models.
- Stand-alone scripts and data analysis can be found in R directory. Follow the order of the scripts to replicate our analysis.
- Stan models exported from the brms package can be found in code/stan/ folder.
- Raw data from both Lago et al. (2019) and our experiment can be found in dataraw/.
List of packages, softwares, fonts you need for replicating our paper and models:
- LaTeX
- R
- Stan
- and following R packages
- languageR
- tidyverse
- gdata
- magrittr
- ggplot2
- car
- brms
- xtable
- rstan
- knitr
- dplyr
- plyr