Language-agnostic server-side & infrastructure engineer.
built server-side applications professionally using: (order by confidence, desc)
- Python (Django, FastAPI, Flask)
- Go (Gin, Fx)
- JVM (Spring Boot - Kotlin, Java)
- Node.js (Express.js - TypeScript, JavaScript)
several years of experience in containerized services and cloud-based infrastructure:
- Container orchestration (Kubernetes)
- Inter-container networking (ingress controllers, API gateways, service meshes, service discovery, etc.)
- Modular management of manifests
- GitOps (single reposotiry as a single source of truth)
- With Helm and Argo CD.
- Public cloud services, especially AWS
- Infrastructure as Code (Terraform, Pulumi)
- CI/CD (Argo CD, Github Actions, Travis CI, Jenkins)
- Container orchestration (Kubernetes)