- Nothing changed yet.
- Fix test hanging on waiting for DynamoDB (#112) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Add additional tags to SQLAlchemy instrumentation (#107) <Wyatt Anderson>
- Fix db_span function of _dbapi2 to work with bytes (#105) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Fix handling of missing psycopg2 module (#104) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Improve support for Boto 3 and S3 (#102) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Refactor MySQLdb hook (#100) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Refactor SQLAlchemy hook (#98) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Fix span context propagation for Celery (#97) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Use tox for CI instead of travis's matrix (#96) <Asher Foa>
- Remove support for Python 3.4 (#95) <Asher Foa>
- Set deploy username and password <Yuri Shkuro>
- Add deploy section into .travis.yml (#94) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Fix coveralls/boto3 dependency conflict (#93) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Support non TornadoScopeManager in traced_function decorator (#86) <Vasilii Novikov>
- Add support for Celery (#85) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Add tags.HTTP_METHOD to before_request (#79) <Nicholas Amorim>
- Using opentracing.ext in all hooks. (#78) <Nicholas Amorim>
- Add support for boto3 (#77) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Support Composable object as sql statement for psycopg2 (#82) <Vasilii Novikov>
- Add support for Tornado 5 (#76) <Vasilii Novikov>
- Fix compatibility with Peewee ORM (#72) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Unpin OpenTracing upper bound to <3
- Upgrade to OpenTracing 2.0 API (#54) <Carlos Alberto Cortez>
- Permit the injection of specific parent span (#73) <CARRIERE Etienne> - Fix opentracing_instrumentation.client_hooks.strict_redis.reset_patches method
- Add response_handler_hook to requests instrumentation (#66) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Add unit test for ThreadSafeStackContext (#71) <Yuri Shkuro>
- Improve testing (#70) (5 months ago) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Add tox.ini
- Update setup.cfg
- Enable branch coverage measurement
- Update the README
- Unify tracer fixture and move it to conftest.py
- Fix some deprecation warnings
- Clean up imports
- Update supported Python versions (+3.7, -3.3) (#69) <Aliaksei Urbanski>
- Fix function call in code example (#67) <Charlotte Iwasaki>
- Fix Makefile to check Python version to determine setuptools version (#62)
- Fix gettattr for ContextManagerConnectionWrapper (#63)
- Fix wrapper for psycopg2 connection so type check does not fail (#55)
- Remove dependency on 'futures' (#47)
- Add client hooks for psycopg2 (#39)
- Futurize to support Python 3
- Add interceptor support to
- Add function to install interceptors from list
- Upgrade to opentracing 1.2 with KV logging
- Remove url encoding/decoding when using HTTP_HEADERS codecs
- Match redis.set() signature
- Fix monkeypatched argument names in redis hooks
- Correct API in strict_redis patcher.
- Upgrade to OpenTracing API 1.1 with SpanContext
- Fix relative import
- Fix relative import
- Add more information to Redis hooks
- Add Redis hooks
- Add config-based client_hooks patching
- Support backwards compatible usage of RequestContextManager with span argument
- Change request context from Span to a wrapper object RequestContext
- Apply URL quote/unquote to values stored in the headers
- Upgrade to OpenTracing API 1.0rc4
- Work around uWSGI collecting wsgi_environ.iteritems() during iteration
- Fix memory leak in SQL instrumentation
- Replace Tornado's StackContext with ThreadSafeStackContext
- Add instrumentation for requests library
- Set SPAN_KIND tag for all RPC spans.
- Allow traced_function to start a trace.
- Check if MySQLdb can be imported before trying to instrument it.
- Expose client_hooks.install_all_patches convenience method
- Merge traced_function/traced_coroutine into a single decorator, with custom on-start hook
- Upgrade to latest OpenTracing (change add_tag to set_tag)
- Add decorators for functions and Tornado coroutines
- Clean-up premature conversion to str and use span.error() for reporting errors
- Bug fix for empty context manager when there is no parent span.
- Set upper bound on opentracing version
- Use wrapt.ObjectProxy to ensure all methods from wrapped connection/cursor are exposed
- Add support for mysql-python, with a general framework for PEP-249 drivers
- Upgrade to OpenTracing API 0.4.x
- Use findpackages
- Initial version