Twig.js is a pure JavaScript implementation of the Twig PHP templating language (
The goal is to provide a library that is compatible with both browsers and server side JavaScript environments such as node.js.
Twig.js is currently a work in progress and supports a limited subset of the Twig templating language (with more coming).
Documentation is available in the twig.js wiki on Github.
For a list of supported tags/filters/functions/tests see the Implementation Notes page on the wiki.
Download the latest twig.js release from github: or via NPM:
npm install twig --save
A bower package is available from philsbury. Please direct any Bower support issues to that repo.
Include twig.js or twig.min.js in your page, then:
var template = Twig.twig({
data: 'The {{ baked_good }} is a lie.'
template.render({baked_good: 'cupcake'})
// outputs: "The cupcake is a lie."
A loader is available from
Tested on node >=6.0.
You can use twig in your app with
var Twig = require('twig'), // Twig module
twig = Twig.twig; // Render function
If you don't want to use Express, you can render a template with the following method:
import Twig from 'twig';
Twig.renderFile('./path/to/someFile.twig', {foo:'bar'}, (err, html) => {
html; // compiled string
Twig is compatible with express 2 and 3. You can create an express app using the twig.js templating language by setting the view engine to twig.
Express 3
var Twig = require("twig"),
express = require('express'),
app = express();
// This section is optional and used to configure twig.
app.set("twig options", {
allowAsync: true, // Allow asynchronous compiling
strict_variables: false
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.render('index.twig', {
message : "Hello World"
Message of the moment: <b>{{ message }}</b>
An Express 2 Example is available on the wiki.
If you have a change you want to make to twig.js, feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request on Github. The source files are located in src/*.js
twig.js is built by running npm run build
For more details on getting setup, see the contributing page on the wiki.
When developing on Windows, the repository must be checked out without automatic conversion of LF to CRLF. Failure to do so will cause tests that would otherwise pass on Linux or Mac to fail instead.
The twig.js tests are written in Mocha and can be invoked with npm test
Twig.js is available under a BSD 2-Clause License, see the LICENSE file for more information.
See the file for copies of the referenced licenses.
The JavaScript Array fills in src/twig.fills.js are from and are available under the MIT License or are public domain.
The Date.format function in src/twig.lib.js is from and used under a MIT license.
The sprintf implementation in src/twig.lib.js used for the format filter is from and used under a BSD 3-Clause License.
The strip_tags implementation in src/twig.lib.js used for the striptags filter is from and used under and MIT License.