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Konrad Lohse and Jerome Kelleher
A common approach to modelling the effect of demographic history on genealogies is to assume that effective population size (
Here we simulate a single sample of n=12 from a population that underwent an instantaneous bottleneck 0.4 * 2N generations ago. Note that since msprime is assuming a diploid population we set the initial population size to 1/2 to obtain coalescence times scaled in units of
import msprime
import tskit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import SVG
def run_bott_sims(num_samp, time, strength, num_rep=None, seed=123):
demography = msprime.Demography()
demography.add_instantaneous_bottleneck(time=time, strength=strength, population=0)
return msprime.sim_ancestry(
samples=[msprime.SampleSet(num_samp, ploidy=1)], # Sample num_samp haploid genomes
bottT = 0.4
bottB = 2
ts = run_bott_sims(12, time=bottT, strength=bottB)
ts.draw_svg(y_axis=True, size=(400, 400))
The genealogy shows several simultaneous coalescence events at the time of the bottleneck (T=0.4)
Bunnefeld et al (2016) derive the total length of n-ton branches under an instantaneous bottleneck using a recursion for the generating function of genealogies. Assuming a sample size of
B = 4
p=s*(-6 + 15*s - 20 * np.power(s,2) + 15 * np.power(s,3) - 6 * np.power(s,4) + np.power(s,5))
expsfsBottlN= [2/15*(np.exp(-6*T)*(15 *np.exp(6*T) - 9 *np.exp(5*T)*s -
5*np.exp(3*T)*s*(3 - 3*s + np.power(s,2)) + p)),
1/5*np.exp(-6*T)*(5*np.exp(6*T) - 6*np.exp(5*T)*s - p),
2/15*np.exp(-6*T)*(5*np.exp(6*T) - 9*np.exp(5*T)*s + 5*np.exp(3*T)*s*(3-3*s + np.power(s,2))+ p)]
Checking against msprime (10,000 replicates) shows a close fit to this analytic expectation:
nrep = 10_000
nsamp = 4
sims = run_bott_sims(nsamp, time=T, strength=B, num_rep=nrep)
Blist=np.zeros((nrep, nsamp+1))
for rep_index, ts in enumerate(sims):
afs=ts.allele_frequency_spectrum(mode="branch", polarised=True, span_normalise=False)
Blist[rep_index]+= afs
data=np.mean(Blist, axis=0)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
index = np.arange(1,4)
bar_width = 0.4
opacity = 0.9
expsfs = ax.bar(index+ bar_width, expsfsBottlN, bar_width, alpha=opacity, label='exp')
simsfs = ax.bar(index+ 2*bar_width, data[1:4], bar_width, alpha=opacity, label='exp')
The expected pairwise coalescence time is
def pairCoalBott(time, strength, num_rep=1000):
Simulates replicate 2-tip tree sequences under an instantaneous bottleneck returning the TMRCA
reps=run_bott_sims(2, time=time, strength=strength, num_rep=num_rep)
B = np.zeros(num_rep)
for j, ts in enumerate(reps):
tree = next(ts.trees())
B[j] = tree.time(tree.root)
#Recording the mean pairwise coalescence times and the fraction of replicates with t>T for a grid of bottleneck strengths:
bottBlist = np.arange(0.0,5,0.25)
dat = np.zeros(len(bottBlist))
prob = np.zeros(len(bottBlist))
for j in range(len(bottBlist)):
mrcas = pairCoalBott(bottT, bottBlist[j], nrep)
dat[j]=np.mean(mrcas, axis=0)
bottT2 = bottT * 2 # 0.8
dat2 = np.zeros(len(bottBlist))
prob2 = np.zeros(len(bottBlist))
for j in range(len(bottBlist)):
mrcas = pairCoalBott(bottT2, bottBlist[j], nrep)
dat2[j]=np.mean(mrcas, axis=0)
expProb = [np.exp(-(bottT+i)) for i in bottBlist]
expProb2 = [np.exp(-(bottT2+i)) for i in bottBlist]
expMean = [1+np.exp(-(bottT+i))-np.exp(-bottT) for i in bottBlist]
expMean2 = [1+np.exp(-(bottT2+i))-np.exp(-bottT2) for i in bottBlist]
plt.plot(bottBlist, expProb, c='brown', ls=":", lw=4, label=f"T={bottT}, theoretical")
plt.plot(bottBlist, prob, c='red', marker='+', ms=8, label=f"T={bottT}, sim")
plt.plot(bottBlist, expProb2, c='navy', ls=":", lw=4, label=f"T={bottT2}, theoretical")
plt.plot(bottBlist, prob2, c='blue', marker='+', lw=1, ms=8, label=f"T={bottT2}, simulated")
plt.xlabel("Bottleneck Strength B")
plt.plot(bottBlist, expMean, c='brown', ls=":", lw=4, label=f"T={bottT}, theoretical")
plt.plot(bottBlist, dat, c='red', marker='+', ms=8, label=f"T={bottT}, simulated")
plt.plot(bottBlist, expMean2, c='navy', ls=":", lw=4, label=f"T={bottT2}, theoretical")
plt.plot(bottBlist, dat2, c='blue', marker='+', ms=8, label=f"T={bottT2}, simulated")
plt.xlabel("Bottleneck Strength B");
The distribution of pairwise coalescence times has two maxima at
s = bottBlist[3]
sprob = 1-np.exp(-s)
coaldis = pairCoalBott(s, bottT2, 10000);
coaldisFilt = coaldis[(coaldis < 3)];
probtest = len(coaldis[coaldis>bottT2])/10000
expprob2 = np.exp(-(bottT2+s))
tlist = np.arange(0.0,3,0.25);
coalEpx1 = [np.exp(-i) for i in tlist[0:4]];
coalEpx2 = [np.exp(-i)-(sprob*np.exp(-i)) for i in tlist[3:]];
plt.plot(tlist[0:4], coalEpx1, color = 'black', linewidth = 2);
plt.plot(tlist[3:], coalEpx2, color = 'black', linewidth = 2);
plt.hist(coaldisFilt, bins = 20, density=True);
Bottlenecks can have a substantial effect on the site frequency spectrum (SFS). The SFS is a fundamental summary of sequence variation that forms the basis of many modern inference approaches (e.g. sweepfinder, DFE-alpha, dadi). in the absence of linkage information the SFS is a lossless summary, i.e. any summary of sequence variation that ignores linkage (e.g. pairwise measures of diversity and divergence,
def bottSFS(num_samp, time, strength, num_rep):
reps = run_bott_sims(num_samp, time=time, strength=strength, num_rep=num_rep)
Blist = np.zeros((num_rep, num_samp+1))
for rep_index, ts in enumerate(reps):
afs=ts.allele_frequency_spectrum(mode="branch", polarised=True, span_normalise=False)
Blist[rep_index]+= afs
data = np.mean(Blist, axis=0)
data /=np.sum(data)
return data[0:num_samp]
nrep = 5_000
nsamp = 12
bottT = 0.8
bottBlist = np.arange(0.0,5,1)
datalist = {}
for s in bottBlist:
datalist[s]= bottSFS(nsamp, bottT, s, nrep)
With increasing bottleneck strength the SFS becomes increasingly skewed (the leftmost blue bars show the SFS for a population of constant size). However, bottlenecks have a complex effect on the different frequency classes of the SFS: while the relative frequency of singletons increases, other frequency classes (e.g. doubletons) have a non-monotonic relationship with B:
index = np.arange(1, nsamp)
j = 0
for ss, y in datalist.items():
plt.bar(index + j * bar_width, y[1:], bar_width, label=str(ss))
j += 1
We may be interested in the marginal distributions (pdf) of branch lengths immediately above a node with n tips, which determines the expected distribution of n-ton mutations in a nonrecombining block of sequence (Bunnefeld et al., 2016). Like the distribution of pairwise coalescence times, we expect the pdf of n-ton branches to be discontinuous. Assuming n=4, B=0.75 and T=0.8 (as above):
bottB = 0.8
bottT = 0.75
numrep = 20_000
nsamp = 4
sims = run_bott_sims(nsamp, bottT, bottB, num_rep=numrep)
B = np.zeros((numrep, nsamp))
for rep_index, ts in enumerate(sims):
tree = next(ts.trees())
for u in tree.nodes():
nleaves = tree.num_samples(u)
if tree.parent(u) != tskit.NULL:
B[rep_index, nleaves] += tree.branch_length(u) # Branch length above this node
plt.hist([x for x in sorted(Btrans[2]) if x < 2], bins = 50, density=True, label="doubletons");
plt.hist([x for x in sorted(Btrans[3]) if x < 2], bins = 50, density=True, label="tripletons");
plt.ylim(0, 3)
plt.xlabel("Branch length")
Again, this gives a good fit to the analytic expectation (see Bunnefeld at al 2016).
The InstantaneousBottleneck
model does not work without specifying any populations. Measuring bottleneck strength in generations (i.e. an imaginary time of coalescence) has a subtle but important consequence when we consider samples from multiple populations: the effect of the bottleneck on lineages present in each population at time T depends on the size of each population: genealogies in small populations are more strongly affected.