This is an unmanaged extension. Details at:
You would need to import NCBI taxonomy, Gene Ontology and UniProt into your Neo4j Database. The scripts and instructions can be found at scripts directory in this repository.
- Java 1.8
- Maven >= 3.1
- Compatible with Neo4j 3.5.x
Build it:
mvn clean package
Copy target/neo4j-biorelation-0.2.x.jar to the plugins/ directory of your Neo4j server.
Configure Neo4j by adding a line to conf/neo4j.conf:
In this case, queries will need biodb prepended.
You likely need to add further packages. For instance, copying minimal-json to system/lib Neo4j directory.
Start Neo4j server.
Query it over HTTP:
- curl http://localhost:7474/biodb/helloworld -> Dummy
- curl http://localhost:7474/biodb/distance/tax/9606/10114 -> Distance (hops) between human and guinea pig
- curl http://localhost:7474/biodb/path/tax/9606/10114 -> Path between human and guinea pig
- curl http://localhost:7474/biodb/common/tax/9606-10114 -> LCA between human and guinea pig. Many values allowed
- curl http://localhost:7474/biodb/distance/go/GO:0004180/GO:0004866 -> Distance (hops) between carboxypeptidase and endopeptidase GOs
- curl http://localhost:7474/biodb/path/go/GO:0004180/GO:0004866 -> Path between carboxypeptidase and endopeptidase GOs
- curl http://localhost:7474/biodb/common/go/GO:0004180-GO:0004866 LCA between carboxypeptidase and endopeptidase GOs
- curl http://localhost:7474/biodb/rels/go/Q96IY4 -> GO information about Q96IY4
- curl http://localhost:7474/biodb/rels/tax/Q96IY4 -> Taxon information about Q96IY4
We provide data population scripts at population
directory for sake of convenience. They are compatible with provided Docker versions.
Simplify functions
Add Molecular interaction controlled vocabulary
Restrict a bit more path finding
- Allow different GO options relations (is_a, part_of, etc.)
MATCH (n:TAXID { id:9604 })<-[r*]-(m:TAXID) where not(()-->m) return distinct m;
Make tests work.
root working in all cases
Dealing with exceptions
(m:MOL)-[has_annotation]-(a:annotation)-[has_go]-(g:GO_TERM) (a:annotation)-[has_evidence]-(e:ECO_TERM) (a:annotation)-[has_goref]-(r:GOREF_TERM)