Install poetry (once per machine). Please consult the poetry docs, they are well written:
curl -sSL | python3 -
poetry config true
Clone and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd ColabFold
poetry install -E alphafold
Activate the environment (everytime you want to run some python or install something):
source .venv/bin/activate
Install jax; You need to repeat after every poetry install
/poetry lock
/poetry update
pip install -q "jax[cuda]>=0.3.8,<0.4" -f
If you also want to modify our alphafold fork
git clone
pip install -e alphafold
Edit the corresponding pyproject.toml
, then run poetry lock --no-update
in the directory of the pyproject.toml
You can run the tests with
pytest tests
- switch to the alphafold folder
- Make edits to alphafold
- With the
pip install -e
install, you can directly test them in colabfold - Set the last digit of
in one higher, e.g. to2.1.1234
- git commit and push as usual
git tag v2.1.1234 -m v2.1.1234
, make sure it's the correct number (if you don't have permission, ask one of the team to push the tag)git push --tags
- In colabfold: update the number of
alphafold-colabfold = { version = "
in pyproject.toml, commit and push
While it's generally easier to edit locally, you can also test and develop directly in google colab.
We clone to _directory to avoid python from importing from the directory.
pip install -U pip
git clone _colabfold
pip install _colabfold
# Unholy Hack: Use the files from our cloned git repository instead of installed copy
site_packages=$(python -c 'import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])')
rm -r ${site_packages}/colabfold
ln -s $(pwd)/_colabfold/colabfold ${site_packages}/colabfold
If you also need to patch alphafold:
pip uninstall -y alphafold
git clone _alphafold
pip install -e ./_alphafold
After that, restart the runtime.
When you changed a file in the colabfold
package, you need to reload the modules you were using with importlib.reload()
, e.g.
import colabfold.batch
import importlib