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Electrolux has moved user accounts fom Electrolux Connectivity Platform (ECP) to OneApp (OCP) API used by Electrolux (Google Play, App Store) and AEG (Google Play, App Store) Apps. OneApp API is not supported by this client. ECP access is disabled by Electrolux. This client dosn't work anymore.

Python client package to communicate with the Electrolux Connectivity Platform (ECP) used by some home appliances, Electrolux owned brands, like: Electrolux, AEG, Frigidaire, Husqvarna. Tested with AEG washer-dryer, but probably could be used with some internet connected ovens, diswashers, fridges, airconditioners.
It is general client, and all parameters (called HACL), that can be read or set, names and translations are dynamically generated, based on appliance profile file, downloaded from ECP servers.


This package is compatibile with home appliances registered with one of this ECP based mobile apps:

Unsupported devices

This package is not compatibile with appliances controlled with this mobile apps:


  • list appliances paired with Electrolux account
  • get appliance profile with translations
  • get appliance state
  • send command to appliance
  • register/unregister Client with Electrolux MQTT cloud based broker


Initiate session

To use this library, there's an account with Electrolux/AEG/Frigidaire app must be created. By default, library is using EMEA region apps credentials. If account is created in other region app, region parameter must be set. If created account is not supported, You can manually set regionServer, customApiKey and customApiBrand parameters (from sniffed traffic or extracted from mobile app).

import pyelectroluxconnect
ses = pyelectroluxconnect.Session(username, password, region="emea", tokenFileName = ".electrolux-token", country = "US", language = None, deviceId = "CustomDeviceId", verifySsl = True, regionServer=None, customApiKey=None, customApiBrand=None)

or minimal input set:

import pyelectroluxconnect
ses = pyelectroluxconnect.Session(username, password)

username, password - ECP (Electrolux site) credentials
tokenFileName - file to store auth token (default: ~/.electrolux-token)
region - account region (defalt emea. Tested with emea, apac, na, latam, frigidaire)
country - 2-char country code (default US)
language - 3-char language code for translations (All - for all delivered languages, default: None)
deviceId - custom id of client used in ECP, should be unique for every client instance (default: CustomDeviceId)
verifySsl - verify ECP servers certs (default: True)
regionServer - region server URL (default is based on selected region)
customApiKey - custom value of "x-ibm-client-id" and "x-api-key" HTTP headers (default is based on selected region)
customApiBrand - custom "brand" value (default is based on selected region)

Login to ECP


Get list of appliances registered to Electrolux account

appllist = ses.getAppliances()

Get appliances connection state

for appliance in appllist:  

Get appliance profile

List of parameters (HACL's) with allowed values, translations, etc... Note, that not all parameters can be read, or set over ECP.
Each parameter is in "module:hacl" form. Module is internal appliance module symbol, hacl is parameter hex symbol, that can be read from or set to module.


Get appliance latest state from ECP

Get latest appliance state from ECP. When appliance is online, current state updates are available over Internet with MQTT protocol. To get credentials to connect any MQTT client to ECP MQTT broker, use registerMQTT() method.

to get latest state from a platform:

print(ses.getApplianceState(appliance, paramName = None, rawOutput = False))

paramName - comma separated list of patrameter names (None (default) for all params)
rawOutput - get list of parameters in received form. False (default): parse output to more friendly form (with translations, etc)

Send param value to appliance

Send value to appliance (list of supported appliance destinations (destination) and parameters (hacl) with allowed values (value), You can get with getApplianceProfile() method):

ses.setHacl(appliance, hacl, value, destination)

hacl - hex number of param (HACL)
value - value to set (it could be number or list of parameters (for container HACL type))
destination - destination module name, from profile path (NIU, WD1, etc...)

washer-dryer examples:

  • set Wash+Dry "Cottons" program, with "Extra Dry" dryness Level:
ses.setHacl(appliance, "0x1C09", [{"50":"0x0000"},{"12":"128"},{"6.32":1},{"6.33":1}], "WD1")
  • pause program:
ses.setHacl(appliance, "0x0403", 4, "WD1")

Register client to MQTT broker


returns parameters required to login to Electrolux MQTT broker with any MQTT client:
Url - Host of MQTT broker (with port number)
OrgId - Organization ID
ClientID - MQTT Client ID
DeviceToken - Token required to authentication (for IBM broker, use string use-token-auth as username, DeviceToken as password)

List of MQTT topics (QoS = 0) to subscribe:

  • iot-2/cmd/live_stream/fmt/+
  • iot-2/cmd/feature_stream/fmt/+

Unregister client from MQTT broker


Parse received MQTT message


Parse message from MQTT broker, and return in getApplianceState(...) like form. mqttJsonPayload - MQTT message payload in JSON form.

Very simple MQTT example to receive online appliance state changes from ECP MQTT broker

Please Note: Electrolux moved MQTT broker from IBM servers. After that, this code is not valid.

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import pyelectroluxconnect

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
    print("Connected with result code "+str(rc))
    client.subscribe("iot-2/cmd/live_stream/fmt/json", 0)

def on_message(client, userdata, msg):

ses = pyelectroluxconnect.Session(login, passwd, language = "pol", region="emea",  deviceId='MQTTHA2')

mqtt_params = ses.registerMQTT()

client = mqtt.Client(client_id = mqtt_params["ClientID"])
client.tls_set(ca_certs = ses.getSSLCert())
client.username_pw_set("use-token-auth", mqtt_params["DeviceToken"])
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_message = on_message
client.connect(mqtt_params["Url"].split(":")[0], int(mqtt_params["Url"].split(":")[1]), 60)
while True:


This library was not made by AB Electrolux. It is not official, not developed, and not supported by AB Electrolux.