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laravel flattable

Laravel Flattable Build Status Build Status Build Status

It lets you manage de-normalized tables with simple configurations.

Just add array based config in your models and it will automatically sync your denormalized tables.


Do you currenlty have de-normalized tables in your laravel application, or planning to have one, this package can help you keep your denormalized tables synced with source tables.

With flattable, you can combine multiple tables into one big table and improve performance by:

Minimizing the need for joins and subqueries, precomputing aggregate values, that is, computing them at data modification time, rather than at select time

laravel flattable

You just have to create a flat table, add configuration in related models, and everything will start working automatically.


Install the package via Composer:

composer require tkeer/flattable

Laravel version Compatibility

Laravel Package
8.x|php8 3.x
8.x|php7 2.x
<8.x 1.x


  1. Add Flattable trait into your model
  2. Implement flattableConfig method and add your configurations

Learn with examples

It is easier to explain it with the help of examples. For more detailed examples, please review the tests

Example DB structure

  1. We have books, publishers, countries tables
  2. A book belongs to a publisher
  3. A publisher belongs to a country

We want data of the book, book's publisher and country of the book's publisher in book's flattable (books_flattable)

laravel flattable

As book is main table here, we will add flattable configuration in the book's model, and the type should be primary, more on type here.

To explain the problem, we will break our configurations into 3 parts. For detailed configuration for the book, please see first config entry of book's model in tests.

1. Book in book's flattable

also updates/deletes when related book is updated or deleted

in getFlattableConfig() method of the Book model

public function getFlattableConfig(): array

      'columns' => [

        //flattable column => 'source model column'
        'name' => 'name',
        'published_at' => 'published_at',
        'publisher_id' => 'publisher_id',
        'book_id' => 'id'


      // type of relationship b/w flattable and model
      'type' => 'primary',

      // how to find related entry in the flattable table
      'wheres' => [

        // key is flattable column
        // value is column of source table (book)
        'book_id' => 'id',


      'flattable' => 'books_flattable',

2. Publisher in the book's flattable.

it also updates flattable with new publisher when book's publisher is changed

Extend flattable config used above, and add config for publisher under changes key.

public function getFlattableConfig(): array


      'flattable' => 'books_flattable',

      'changes' => [

        // foreign colum name
        // we will update changes data only if this column is update(dirty)

        'publisher_id' => [

          'columns' => [

            'publisher_first_name' => 'first_name',
            'publisher_last_name' => 'last_name',


          // talbe name of the source
          'table' => 'publishers',

3. Country of the publisher in book's flattable

    //inside pubilsher config of books flattable
    'changes' => [
        'country_id' => [
            'columns' => [
                'publisher_country_name' => 'name',
                'publisher_country_id' => 'id',
            'where' => [
                'id' => 'country_id'
            'table' => 'countries'

you can go as many nested level as you want using changes attribute, ie changes attribute within changes attribute.

With added configuration so far, any change in the book will automatically update the book's flattable. Even if the publisher of the book is changed, the flattable will automatically be updated with new publisher data.

What if publisher itself is updated, ie first_name of the publisher is updated, or the country of publisher is updated. For this we have to implement flattable for the Publisher and Country models and add flattable config in both models, and the config type should be secondary.

See below

Update book's flattable on publisher update

In flattableConfig() of the Publisher model

public function flattableConfig()
  return [
      'columns' => [
          'publisher_first_name' => 'first_name',
          'publisher_last_name' => 'last_name',
      'wheres' => [
          'publisher_id' => 'id',
      'type' => 'secondary',

      'flattable' => 'books_flattable',

Update book's flattable on country update

Assigns null values to flattable when country is deleted

In flattableConfig() of the Country model

public function flattableConfig()
  return [
      'columns' => [
          'publisher_country_name' => 'name',
          'publisher_country_id' => 'id',
      'wheres' => [
          'publisher_country_id' => 'id',
      'type' => 'secondary',

      'flattable' => 'books_flattable',

Books in Publisher's flat table

So far we have considered one-to-one relations, book belongs to one publisher, publisher belongs to one country.

What if there is one to many relationship between two tables.

For example, a publisher can have many books, and whenever any book is added, we want to add this book in the publisher's flattble.

Add one more flattable config in Book model, the config type for this relation should be many.

public function flattableConfig(): array
  return [
            'columns' => [
                'id' => 'id',
                'name' => 'name'

            // use type many when you want to store more than one entry in a column
            'type' => 'many',

            'wheres' => [
                'publisher_id' => 'publisher_id',
            //only delete from old if these keys have changed
            'delete_from_old_keys' => ['publisher_id'],

            'flattable' => 'publishers_flattable',

            // column name of the flaatable, in which the data should be stored.
            'flattable_column_name' => 'books',

Flattable config explanation

Flattable config has following attributes

1. columns

2. wheres

3. flattable

4. changes

5. type

6. flattable_column_name

7. delete_from_old_keys

8. deletes_primary

1. columns

An array which holds the mapping of flattable columns and source table columns.

Each key in the columns array is the name of the flattable column, and the value is the name of source table column.

  'columns' => [
    'book_id' => 'id',
    'book_name' => 'name'

2. wheres

An associate array of conditions to map related entry in the flattable.

The key in the sub-array is column name of the flattable and value is column name of the source table.

  'wheres' => [
    'book_id' => 'id'

3. flattable

Name of the flattable.

4. changes

Include related tables data into the flattable. It should be an associate array.

The key of each array in the changes attribute should be the column name of the source table, whose change loads the related data in the flattable.

5. type

It describes the relation type b/w flattable and source table

we have three types

1. primary

create, update, and delete do the same operation for the flattable.

For example, books relation with books_flattable

2. secondary

Same as primary, but deleting model will not delete the related entry in the flattable. Instead it will assign null values to the related columns in the flattable.

For example, publishers relationship with books_flattable. If publisher of the book is deleted, then the publisher's attributes in the books_flattable will be set to null.

If you want entry in flattable to be delete for secondary type, set deletes_primary flag to true.

3. many

For one to many relationship. With this type, we can store more than one entries in the flattable.

For example, books relationship with publishers_flattable, one publisher can have more than one books.

6. flattable_column_name

Required when type is many. It holds the column name of the flattable, where json data will be stored.

7. delete_from_old_keys

Required when type is many. It holds the names of columns, any change in these columns will reload the related json data of related flattable column.

8. deletes_primary

primary type automaically deletes entry from the flattable, when entry from the main table is deleted, and secondary type store null values against related entries in flattable.

If you want that deleting an entry for secondary type also deletes related flattable entry, set deletes_primary flag to true.


Disable flattable a single model


$book = factory(Book::class)->create();
$bookFlattable = BookFlattable::where('book_id', $book->id)->first();


Disable flattable for all models

Publish flattable config

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tkeer\Flattable\FlattableServiceProvider" --tag="config"

set disabled to true in config/flattabe.php

return [
    'console' => [
        'run' => true
    'disabled' => true

Disable flattable for console

You can optionally disable flattable when script is running through console,

To disable it set to false in config/flattable.php.

Using callbacks

If none of available options works for your use case, you can pass a callback for columns and wheres configs.

For columns callback, you will receive model as parameter, and you should return data as array to be stored in flattable


  'columns' => function (Country $country) {
    // when secondary row is deleted, it's data should be removed from flattable
    return [
      'publisher_country_name' => $country->exists ? $country->name ? null,
      'publisher_country_id' => $country->exists ? $country->id ? null


For wheres callback, you will receive QueryBuilder and Model as parameters, and you can add as many conditionals as you want.

  'wheres' => function (Builder $db, Country $model) {
    $db->where('publisher_country_id', $model->id);


Fill flattable

You can use flattable:fill command to fill your flattable.

php artisan flattable:fill App\\Models\\Book

This command will use primary config of Book model and fill the related flattable